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Engendering the New Urban Agenda - Gender Policy in Habitat III on Issues & Challenges to Women in Cities

Engendering the New Urban Agenda – Huairou Report of Expert Group Meeting

For Dedicated Gender Policy in Habitat III on Issues & Challenges to Women in Cities

March 9, 2016 - Recognizing that there is no provision for a dedicated policy unit in the Habitat III process that specifically addresses women and gender matters, the Huairou Commission and the Habitat III Secretariat agreed to co-sponsor an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) that convened specialists in gender and women’s empowerment perspectives in urbanization. The Huairou Commission was given the role of implementing this EGM to help strengthen the impact of gender equality and women’s empowerment on the policy units and the other processes of Habitat III. The EGM focused on prioritizing the key issues and challenges important to women in cities and their human settlements.

Forty-five participants attended the two-day meeting, convened at the Ford Foundation, that focused on identifying critical issues and determined policy priorities specific to gender equality and women’s empowerment that will be presented to the Policy Units, UN member states and other stakeholders and that should be considered in the discussions leading up to the Habitat III Conference and in the priorities of the New Urban Agenda.


Preventing Conflict - Transforming Justice - Securing the Peace - Global Study Report

“There is a significant gap between language inscribed in our Security Resolutions, our declarations, our action plans, and the actual reality of women’s participation in decision-making when it comes to peace and security issues.” Radhika Coomaraswamy

The Global Study has been led by prominent expert Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy (Sri Lanka). Professor Coomaraswamy is the former UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict. Before that, she was the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women.

Direct Link to Full 415-Page 2015 Publication: http://peacewomen.org/sites/default/files/UNW-GLOBAL-STUDY-1325-2015%20%281%29.pdf

Извор: WUNRN – 18.05.2016


eAtlas of Gender Inequality in Education - UNESCO


CLICK ABOVE LINK for Details as Share of Primary School Age

Girls Out of School, Country Specifics on Gender Education +

Overview of gender parity in education

Data by the the UNESCO Institute for Statistics

With the adoption of Sustainable Development Goal 4, governments have pledged to eliminate gender disparities and ensure that every child is in school and learning by 2030. Yet one out of eight children between the ages of 6 and 15 are denied a basic education, and girls are the first to be excluded. More than 63 million girls are out of school and data suggest that the number is rising.


Roma Journalists Are Rewriting Their Story

By Kremena Budinova - Last summer, the government of Bulgaria, declaring scores of Roma homes to be illegally constructed, embarked on a demolition spree that left entire neighborhoods razed. Media coverage of the demolitions largely ignored the historical context of these neighborhoods, which were built by the communist regime in the 1960s to force Roma into permanent settlements. Nor did the media choose to focus their attention on the fate of the evicted families, who were left poor, desperate, and adrift by the brutal tactics that ejected them onto the street.

Six months after the wave of evictions, we conducted a nationwide study that showed exactly how damaging this kind of anti-Roma media coverage had been. What we found was shocking: 78 percent of Bulgarians support the demolition of Roma homes, their main arguments being that Roma take advantage of the system by not paying taxes or utility bills.




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