Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Child Marriage Increases After Natural Disasters

When parents lose everything, they often feel they have no choice but to marry off their girls.

Eleanor Goldberg – May 17, 2016

Prakash Hatvalne/AP - In this photo, a newly married child bride, left, stands at a temple in Rajgarh, about 155 kilometers (96 miles) from Bhopal, India. Ignoring laws that ban child marriages, several young children, are still married off as part of centuries-old custom in some Indian villages. India law prohibits marriage for women younger than 18 and men under age 21. (AP Photo/Prakash Hatvalne)

When a natural disaster strikes, aid agencies are quick to provide such basics as food, water and shelter. But they also need to offer up the services that could prevent vulnerable girls from getting married off, a new report concluded.


CEE Bulletin on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights No 06 (154) 2016

Table of contents:

  • Burning Issue

  • Regional Updates

  • Global Updates

  • Youth

  • Upcoming Events

  • Publications

  • Member Profile - this month features H.E.R.A. from Macedonia


More Young Adults Are Living With Their Parents - US & Abroad - Research - Gender

By Drew DeSilver – May 24, 2016

More young adults in the U.S. are living with their parents than at any time since around 1940, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of census data. This trend is not, as you might assume, solely a consequence of the 2007-09 Great Recession, nor is it limited to the U.S. Across much of the developed world, researchers have noted that more young adults are living at their parents’ homes for longer periods – in some cases because they never left, in others because they moved back after being on their own in college or the working world.

Across the European Union’s 28 member nations, nearly half (48.1%) of 18- to 34-year-olds were living with their parents in 2014, according to the EU statistical agency Eurostat. Though the Eurostat data, which are gathered by individual countries, may not always be comparable with Pew Research Center’s analysis of the U.S., most EU members appear to have notably higher rates of young adults living at home than does the U.S. And like the U.S., young European men are more likely than young women to live in their parents’ home: 54.4% versus 41.7%, respectively, according to Eurostat.


Good Nutrition & Better, More Empowered Futures, Start with The Girl Child

Ms Gerda Verburg, Scaling Up Nutrition Movement Coordinator, reflects on the recent Women Deliver Conference and shares her insights on efforts to promote improved nutrition through the empowerment of girls.

23 May 2016 - Copenhagen has just hosted some of the most exciting and rewarding discussions for the future of women and development. At the Women Deliver Conference, an impressive list of leaders were joined by over 5,000 participants to explore ways of making the Sustainable Development Goals that were agreed by all United Nation Member States in September 2015 matter most for girls and women. I was fortunate to attend this event as one of my first activities as the incoming Coordinator of the Scaling Up Nutrition or SUN Movement, a collection of 57 countries leading their own national nutrition revolutions with unified support from the United Nations system, civil society, donor countries and the business community.


Gender Pay Gap - Statistics - UK +

Last update 1 May 2016

In this section EqualPayPortal  looks at official sources of information on the gender pay gap within the UK and across Europe. We also look at what information there is on the number and outcome of equal pay cases filed with the Employment Tribunal.

European data on the gender pay gap

Inequality in pay between men and women remains high on the European agenda. The European Commission produces a range of statistics on the gender pay gap across Europe.

Eurostat, the EU equivalent of the UK’s Office for National Statistics, produces a map showing the gender pay gap. The map can be found here, at chapter 13.  While the EU statistics are not directly comparable with those in the UK, the EU figures show that the average gap within the EU is 16 per cent, but pay levels throughout the whole of Europe differ hugely, with some areas seeing women actually earning more than men on average, while other areas (such as the South East of the UK) see men earning 25 per cent more than their female counterparts.




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