Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Elimination of Racial Discrimination - Durban Declaration: 15 Years After - Rights of Women & Girls

World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance Declaration

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
21 March

"Today we are witnessing a surge of intolerance, racist views and hate-driven violence. In these tumultuous times, we must stand up for rights and dignity for all, and for diversity and pluralism. We must speak out against anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim bigotry and other forms of hate. An assault on one minority community is an attack on all."

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

2016 Theme: Challenges & Achievements of the Durban Declaration & Programme of Action – 15 Years After

“People of African descent have for centuries been victims of racism, racial discrimination and enslavement and of the denial by history of many of their rights… they should be treated with fairness and respect for their dignity and should not suffer discrimination of any kind.” – Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, 2001. UN Photo/Logan Abassi, Haiti 2012


World Leaders Accused of Backtracking on Gender Equality Commitments - CSW +

Final negotiations at Commission on the Status of Women punctuated by claims some governments are trying to dilute finance for equality and sexual pledges.

24 March 2016 - Claims that world leaders are backtracking on their commitment to end gender inequality have emerged on the final day of negotiations at the Commission on the Status of Women.

Several countries are reportedly trying to water down the progressive language on financing for gender equality and sexual and reproductive health rights contained in the draft text of the outcome document.

Governments are understood to be unwilling to agree commitments on targeted funding for gender equality, getting corporations to pay their fair share of tax, and creating a better environment for women’s rights organisations to operate, which would include more funding.


4Girls GLocal Leadership - Women's Empowerment Global Survey: What Young Women Want

4Girls GLocal Leadership wanted to hear the global voices, values and visions of today’s girls and young women. So 4GGL launched the first-ever  Women’s Empowerment Global Survey.
Here is our preliminary report showcasing and sharing our findings, straight from the voices of adolescent girls and young women around the world. 

Voice & Choice: What Young Women Want


  • What do Voice and Choice mean to you? How do you use them?

  • How much control do you have in various aspects of your life?

  • What would you like to change the most in your life?

  • Who contributes the most to making that change?

  • If you have made changes in your life, what caused the change?

  • What is the most important issue to you and girls and women in your society?


Women Speak Up at the UN about Violence & Disability - "Without Stories, There Is Silence"

Transparent. Photo: Belinda Mason, Silent Tears

24 March 2016 – When Betty was asked to participate in a multimedia exhibition about violence against women and disability, at first she did not think her story was worthy enough.

“Because it was just depression,” the 42-year-old Australian mother of four explained. “But now I’m coming to terms that no, this is real, and people need to know that depression is a disability and it’s not just something you can get over.”

Like for many of the 21 other women in the project – which is expanding as more choose to break their silence – Silent Tears has been an integral part of Betty’s healing. The exhibition was recently featured during the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), an intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. Silent Tears is a storytelling platform for women with disabilities who have been subjected to violence and women who have acquired disabilities as a result of violence.


CESCR General Comment 22 on Sexual and Reproductive Health

Dear COPASAH Members, friends and associates,


The  Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights recently adopted a General Comment on the Right to Sexual and Reproductive Health. This is the first general comment to ever focus exclusively on sexual and reproductive health and its adoption speaks volumes about the great strides our movement has made in building out the international human rights framework to fully recognize reproductive rights as fundamental human rights. 

The following is a note prepared by the Center for Reproductive Rights has put together the attached reference guide which highlights some of the key content from the general comment which is intended to help facilitate and understand the general comment and its implications for advocacy.




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