Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








EU - Gender Pension Gap - Campaign for Equal Pension Rights

Women Care for Society, It’s Time Society Cares for Women – Gender Pension Gap

[Brussels, 8 March 2016] On this International Women’s Day, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) launches its Campaign ‘Together we can make it happen, Equal Pension Rights for Women Now!’ The campaign draws attention to the blatant discrimination that women face as they age. The accompanying video clip shows that the entrenched male bread-winner model requires robust measures to move towards an equal earner-equal carer model for the Europe of tomorrow while safeguarding women’s pension rights today. “Awareness-raising and monitoring are only the first steps. To bridge gender gaps in pay and pensions we need to put equal rights for women at the core of all pension reforms”, states Joanna Maycock, EWL Secretary General.


Women & Girls with Disabilities - Survey Report on Enabling a Global Human Rights Movement + Mapping

March 2016 - Women Enabled International (WEI) received generous funding from an anonymous donor for a Survey and Mapping Project with a goal to foster a greater understanding of human rights advocates, both from within and outside the women's rights and disability rights movements, on the rights of women and girls with disabilities. Through an online survey launched on August 18, 2015 and interviews conducted in January and February 2016, WEI produces this comprehensive mapping report of the field of advocates for the rights of women and girls with disabilities globally and nationally, released on March 8, 2016, International Women's Day.


Indigenous Women & Girls - Multiple & Compounded Rights Abuses - Report of UN Special Rapporteur


By Alexis White-Mobley – September 24, 2015

Native American and Alaska native women are 2.5 times more likely to be raped or sexually assaulted than other women in the US; 86% of reported cases are perpetrated by non-Natives.

A 2014 study by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police concluded that Indigenous women in Canada are four times more likely to be murdered than non-indigenous women.

In Indigenous territories occupied by the Burmese army, the rape of Indigenous women is both “entertainment” and part of a strategy to demoralize and weaken the indigenous population.


Hidden Casualties: Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights & Sexual Violence in Conflict

Women and girls in conflict and post-conflict settings face increased risks of sexual violence and urgently need sexual and reproductive healthcare services, such as obstetric and antenatal care for pregnant women, access to contraceptive information and services, including emergency contraception, and access to safe abortion and post-abortion care, but often are unable to or prevented from accessing these services.1 Addressing sexual violence and the lack of sexual and reproductive health information and services in these settings is central not only to an effective humanitarian response but also to fulfilling fundamental human rights obligations.

Hidden Casualties: Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights & Sexual Violence in Conflict


Empowerment of Women Will Be Central to Realising Sustainable Global Development - Mary Robinson

By Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland,(1990-1997) and former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (1997 to 2002).

DUBLIN, Mar 4 2016 (IPS)- “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality” – the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day serves as a timely reminder that, despite incremental progress of recent years and the ambition of the new global development agenda, we must redouble efforts to achieve a world underpinned by gender equality. All women must be empowered to realise their full and equal rights. But what does it actually mean to step it up for gender equality?

Mary Robinson




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