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2015 Human Development Report: Work for Human Development - UNDP - Women

Chapter 4: Imbalances in Paid and Unpaid Work

In 2015 the global labour force participation rate was 50 percent for women but 77 percent for men. Worldwide in 2015, 72 percent of working-age men were employed, compared with only 47 percent of women. Female participation in the labour force and employment rates are heavily affected by economic, social and cultural issues and care work distributions at home.

Analyses of total hours worked in time-use surveys (in a sample representing 69 percent of the global adult population), shows that women contribute 52 percent of global work to men’s 48 percent. Even though, women carry out the major share of global work, they face disadvantage in the world of work, both in paid and unpaid work.

Link to UNDP Report:


Извор: WUNRN - 14.03.2016




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