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Advertising Agencies Try to Combat Discrimination, Racism & Sexism with New Initiative - "Elephant on Madison Avenue" Survey & Report

Wendy Clark (center), who in January became CEO of DDB Worldwide, North America, says there are practical reasons for ad agencies to have more women in creative roles. Photo: DDB San Francisco

By Alexandra Bruell – 27 September 2016

When the advertising world was rocked this year by allegations of sexism and racism in its upper ranks, the industry was united in its condemnation of discrimination. The fallout was swift, considering the glacial pace of change in addressing these issues in many other industries.

Several high-ranking executives at top firms resigned after being accused of discriminatory behavior or of making sexist comments. And a number of firms—Omnicom’s Goodby Silverstein & Partners and BBDO, Interpublic’s FCB and WPP WPPGY 0.95 % media agency Maxus—appointed women in newly created or existing top creative posts.


Girls Not Brides - 5 Years of Progress Towards Ending Child Marriage - Report

Website Gives Link to Report Summary in English + Full Report & Summary in French + Summary in Spanish, Arabic & Portuguese.

Direct Link to Full 44-Page 2016 Report:


To mark the five-year anniversary of Girls Not Brides, and in the lead up to International Day of the Girl, we are launching our first progress report: “It takes a movement: reflecting on five years of progress towards ending child marriage”.

The report covers several areas of progress, including: child marriage trends; global and regional commitments; strengthening legal and policy frameworks; building a movement; creating an understanding of what needs to be done; and funding for the field.


Combating Poverty & Building Resilience through Social Protection – Important for Women ADD COMMENT

Beneficiaries from a safety net program in Madagascar, most of them women, receive regular cash grants and training on nutrition, early childhood development and leadership skills. Photo by: Mohamad Al-Arief / World Bank

BY MICHAL RUTKOWSKI – September 21, 2016

In the last few decades, we have seen an increase in the number of countries investing in social protection programs. These programs help individuals and families especially the poor and vulnerable cope with crises and shocks, invest in the health and education of their children, supporting young people by developing their skills and finding jobs, and protecting the aging population.

We now have ample evidence of how social safety nets or conditional cash transfers – predictable cash grants from the government given to poor households in exchange for sending their children to school or for regular health check-ups—not only help nations invest in human capital, but also serve as a source of income for the poor, improving their standard of living.  Today, more than 1.9 billion people in some 130 low and middle-income countriesbenefit from social safety net programs.

Social protection is no longer regarded as a “luxury” that only high-income countries can afford, but as an essential instrument to transform the lives of the poor and vulnerable.  It contributes to economic growth, social cohesion and resilience.


Извештај на Светска Банка: Македонскиот пензиски фонд доведен во опасност

Пензискиот систем е во опасност. Од Светската банка посочуваат дека расте притисокот врз Фондот и дека има опасност и на среден и на долг рок. Меѓу причините за ова се и новите вработувања со последните владини мерки, пренесува Алсат-М.

„Практично 89 отсто од ново креирани работни места се со фискален стимул. Имате работни места кои се креираат каде работодавецот е ослободен од плаќање на социјални придонеси и слични давачки“, вели Бојан Шимбов, Светска банка.

Според податоците од јули минатата година до јули годинава имало 21 илјада ново вработени, но 18.700 работни места се стимулирани од Владата.

Фискалната стимулација значи и помали приходи во ПИОМ, а кусокот се пополнува со буџетски пари. Со Буџетот за 2017 оваа сума изнесува 452 милиона евра или фантастични 45 отсто од парите потребни за исплата на тековните пензии.


Transparency and Accountability: Keys to Tunisia’s Decentralization Success

The World Bank is supporting Tunisia’s reforms to bring its centralized government system closer to citizens and make it more accountable and responsive. This involves giving local governments more control over their budgets through the Urban Development and Local Governance Program, the Bank’s first Program-for-Results in Tunisia.

  • To meet the goals of the 2011 revolution, Tunisia has begun reforming its highly centralized system to bring government closer to citizens and make it more accountable and responsive.

  • This has meant empowering local governments and giving them greater responsibility over their budgets, a process the World Bank has supported with the first Program for Results in Tunisia.

  • Under the Program, a set of objective conditions were established related to governance, sustainability and management that local governments had to meet to receive funds – over 90% of local governments have met the conditions in the Program’s second year.

Since the revolution of January 2011, Tunisia has been determined to bring government closer to its citizens. In pursuing this goal, the Tunisians decided on a major policy shift away from the highly centralized system of the previous regime. The 2014 Constitution embodies the commitment to create fully independent communes (local governments/LGs) within sound local governance structures that would lead to credible and enduring social contracts between councilors and their electorates.  The Government considers such reforms to be a key element of state building, contributing to political stability and equitable development




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