Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Human Rights of Older Persons UN Resolution - Human Rights Council Session 33 - Older Women

United Nations      A/HRC/33/L.9

General Assembly

Human Rights Council - Thirty-third session

Agenda item 3

Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

Albania, Argentina,* Austria,* Bosnia and Herzegovina,* Brazil,* Bulgaria,* Colombia,* Cyprus,* Ecuador, El Salvador, Haiti,* Honduras,* Israel,* Malta,* Mexico, Montenegro,* Panama, Peru,* Portugal, Qatar, Slovenia, Spain,* Timor-Leste,* Turkey,* Uruguay:* draft resolution


Women Do 4 Years More Work than Men in Their Lifetimes - Report

Women are more likely to have a greater burden of unpaid work in some developing countries. Photograph: Lynn Johnson/Getty Images/National Geographic

A Report by ActionAid reveals burden of unpaid care work on women around the world. Report: Not Ready, Still Waiting - Governments Have a Long Way to Go in Preparing to Address Gender Inequality and the SDGs. Full 36-Page Report: http://www.actionaid.org/sites/files/actionaid/not_ready_still_waiting.pdf.  Link to 4-Page Summary: http://www.actionaid.org/sites/files/actionaid/us_not_ready_still_waiting_4_pager_final.pdf

By Amelia Hill - 22 September 2016

A young woman entering the job market today can expect to do an average of four years more work than her male peers over her working lifetime, according to a report.

Time spent by women around the world on paid and unpaid labour amounts to an extra month for every year of work.


Invisible Lives: How the International Community Is Failing Syrian Women Refugees

The daily struggles faced by Syrian refugee women are little known, and their stories often go unheard. Islamic Relief’s report on women refugees in Iraq and Lebanon aims to shine a light on their invisible lives and provides recommendations for international action.

Direct Link to Full 36-Page 2016 Report:


Five years of brutal conflict in Syria have led to the biggest global refugee crisis since World War II. Millions of Syrians have been forced to flee to neighbouring countries and beyond, having seen their communities torn apart by violence.

Women refugees face particular challenges in trying to support themselves and their families. Often the primary carers for children and elderly relatives, their freedom to pursue job opportunities are more limited than men’s. A combination of chronic underfunding, lack of employment, limited education provision and gender-based violence has made refugee camps feel more like prison camps for some women. With little reported on these struggles of Syrian women, our report aims to bring women’s voices to the fore, and to shine a light on their invisible lives.


Global Day of Action for Access to Safe & Legal Abortion - 28 September 2016

“Unsafe Abortion Is Still Killing Tens of Thousands of Women Around the World” – UN Rights Experts Warn

GENEVA (27 September 2016) – Speaking ahead of the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion, a group of United Nations human rights experts* called on States across the world to repeal restrictive abortion laws and policies, and all punitive measures and discriminatory barriers to access safe reproductive health services.

The experts also expressed their support for the call of several non-governmental organisations to make 28 September an official UN day for safe abortion worldwide, to urge Governments to decriminalise abortion and provide reproductive health services in a legal, safe and affordable manner.

“In the twenty-first century unsafe abortion is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality and morbidity. According to the World Health Organization, about 22 million unsafe abortions take place each year worldwide and an estimated 47,000 women die annually from complications resulting from the resort to unsafe practices for termination of pregnancy.


Business & Human Rights - UN Guiding Principles - EECHR Resources - Human Dignity & Rights - Challenges for Accountability, Ethics, Legal Justice - Gender




The reality of the 21st century means that transnationally operating corporations have a great impact on the human dignity and human rights of many people.



Human rights are not only threatened and infringed upon by states, but as globalization progresses, transnational corporations exert greater economic and political power that can significantly alters peoples' everyday lives. Corporate Social Responsibility is a voluntary model of self-regulation adopted by many transnational corporations. It is difficult, however, to square such voluntary claims of corporate responsibility with the reality of the globalized economy of the 21st century.




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Човекови права во здравствена заштита

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