Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Women & Dementia: A Global Research Review


Development of a WHO – World Health Organization Draft Global Action Plan on the Public Health Response to Dementia:


Direct Link to Full 56-Page 2015 Publication:



Diagnosing Corruption in Healthcare

Corruption has become prevalent in healthcare to the point that it is normalised. From the politician to the patient, individuals routinely place their own private interests above public health goals and patient health outcomes. That was the conclusion from speaking to thirty public health experts and anti-corruption specialists across the globe, as part of our most recent research project.

Our earlier research had shown that those working in the healthcare sector have a low understanding of corruption. Previous attempts at providing an overview of the types of corruption in the sector, while providing an excellent resource for those dedicated to the subject, had been complex and lacked comprehensiveness. Our new publication Diagnosing Corruption in Healthcare, which we launched at the opening session of the World Health Summit yesterday, aims to bring all the relevant information into one space. We have produced a "map" of corruption in healthcare that contains 37 types of corruption that are clustered into eight areas in health systems. 

On our new website ti-health.org you can explore the map fully. Take a look at the explanations of each type of corruption, understand better how they occur in practice by examining some case studies, and if you still want to learn more there are links to other resources on the web.


Empowering Women Has Major Benefits for the Environment - UNESCO Report

Education for people & The planet – UNESCO – Gender

Direct Link to Full 558-Page 2016 UNESCO Report:



Empowering Women Has Major Benefits for the Environment

Paris, 4 October 2016 - Education is essential for empowering women to achieve gender equality, which in turn is vital for sustainable development. This is confirmed in a new Gender Review by UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Report, released one week before International Day of the Girl Child (October 11) at an event in Paris.

The review shows that countries with more women in parliament are more likely to ratify environmental treaties. Education can empower women to become leaders as they acquire literacy, confidence and communication skills. It can give them a space to learn about and practice leadership. Further education and professional, technical and legal training also help women to gain credibility and influence among leaders and decision-makers.


ХОПС: Со кратење на парите,државата е одговорна доколку букне ХИВ/СИДА

Глобалниот фонд за борба против СИДА, туберкулоза и маларија од 2017 го прекинува финансирањето на превентивните програми за ХИВ во Македонија. Во исто време, Владата на РМ и Минисерството за здравство го скратија буџетот на Програмата за заштита на населението од ХИВ/СИДА во Македонија на само 27 милиони денари од неопходните 65 милиони денари.

Глобалниот фонд го прекинува финансирањето бидејќи Македонија се декларира како средно развиена земја каде годишно има повеќе од 3200 евра по глава на жител.

Со кратењетои на буџетот, доколку поради недостиг на финансиски средства згаснат Програмите за превенција, постои опасност да се зголеми стапката на заболени од СИДА и ТБЦ, предупредуваат од невладиниот сектор.

„Грантот завршува до крај на оваа година, но ние побаравме Глобален фонд да го продолжи проектот до јуни 2017, без дополнителни средства, со парите што останаа од годинава. Со овој буџет што го додели Владата, ќе се затворат сите превентивни сервиси за ранливи групи за ХИВ. Ова значи дека одговорноста ја сноси државата доколку ескалира болеста“, изјави за НОВА, Христијан Јанкуловски извршен директор на ХОПС.


Counting the Invisible Girls - Report - Video - Using Data to Transform the Lives of Girls & Women by 2030

Millions of girls are ‘invisible’ to governments and policy makers because vital data is not being recorded about their lives. The new report from Plan International reveals how improving the information we have about girls will help create a just world and equality for all.

'Counting the Invisible' explores the current state of gender data and exposes the gaps: we don’t count how many girls leave school because of early marriage, pregnancy or violence, exactly how many give birth before they turn 15, how many hours a day they spend working, what kind of work they do and whether they get paid for it. Bringing visibility to these realities can transform girls' lives.



English (2.34 MB)




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар