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Closing the Data Gaps in Women’s Health

World Health Day on 7 April 2023: Health For All

On 7 April 2023  ̶  World Health Day  ̶  The World Health Organization will observe its 75th birthday.

Closing the gender data gap in healthcare | McKinsey  

Exhibits noted in Article are accessed on the above website.

Closing the Data Gaps in Women’s Health

By Delaney Burns, Tara Grabowsky, Emma Kemble, and Lucy Pérez

April 3, 2023 - Now more than ever, data is at the center of engagement and decision making. Healthcare and life sciences are no exception: data is central to discussions about public health and is core to enabling continued scientific advancement. The accelerated digitalization of healthcare during the pandemic has only expanded the amount of health-related data available—and cemented the key role that it plays in care delivery, disease prediction and diagnosis, biopharma and medtech innovation, and patient outcomes.


Jobs & Pay for Women, Barely Improved in 20 Years: ILO

ILO/Marcel Crozet -The production floor of an apparel exporting factory in Bangladesh

Jobs and pay for women, barely improved in 20 years: UN labour agency | UN News

6 March 2023 -In a new blow for equality in the 21st century workplace, UN labour experts said on Monday that women’s access to jobs, their employment conditions and a persistent pay gap, have barely improved worldwide in nearly two decades.

The jobs gap for women is a “stubborn and damaging reality of the global labour market” but it is particularly worrying in developing countries, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said, with almost one in four women unable to find a job, compared with 16.6 per cent of men.


EU - 2023 Report on Gender Equality in the EU - European Commission

Direct Link to Full 78-Page 2023 European Commission Report: https://commission.europa.eu/system/files/2023-03/annual_report_GE_2023_web_EN_0.pdf

The 2023 report on gender equality in the EU takes stock of the main initiatives to promote equality between women and men in the key areas of the Strategy: - Being free from violence and stereotypes; - Thriving in a gender-equal economy; - Leading equally throughout society; - Gender mainstreaming and funding; and - Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment across the world.

Извор: WUNRN – 28.03.2023

EU - Women's Labour-Market Participation - Sustainable Illusions - Obstacles & Policy Levers

Direct Link to Full 86-Page 2022 Publication: Sustainable_Illusions.pdf (rosalux.de)

There is persistent gender inequality on the labour market at EU level, as well as in individual Member States. While some improvement is taking place, this progress is very slow and often nuanced. It is still largely women who take on the burden of care work, which in turn negatively impacts their prospects on the labour market, leading to women accounting for a more substantial share of people living in poverty and resulting in a gender wage and pension gap. While some countries fare better than the EU average, some fall well below the goals and targets set by EU policies. In 2015, the EU committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Develop[1]ment Goals (SDG), including goals to achieve gender equality (SDG 5) and decent work (SDG 8) by 2030. Has this commitment led to any real change for women in the EU, and is it realistic that in 2030 we will see those goals becoming a reality?

Извор: WUNRN – 27.03.2023




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