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Financing for Development Civil Society Mechanism - Video & Report

VIDEO LINK - Who we are? The Civil Society Financing for Development Mechanism - YouTube

The rules of the global economy affect all aspects of our life and yet many decisions with regard to this are being made in undemocratic forums dominated by rich countries. The UN's Financing for Development process aims to create a democratic space to address historical inequalities in global economic governance and demand for economic justice. Civil society is considered a key agent in this process, and the Civil Society Financing for Development Mechanism is the process through which civil society can engage in the Financing for Development process. It is an open platform of several hundred organizations and networks worldwide that follows the Financing for Development process closely. The Mechanism works across all Financing for Development thematic pillars with an interconnected, feminist, Global South, and decolonial perspective and exposes the urgent need for systemic reforms. Learn more about us and join us in supporting the democratization of global economic governance.


The Vicious Cycle: Connections Between the Debt Crisis & Climate Crisis

The Vicious Cycle | ActionAid International

Direct Link to Full 8-Page ActionAid 2023 Report: The_vicious_cycle.pdf (actionaid.org)

The countries that are most vulnerable to the climate crisis are also facing a debt crisis – and the need to service external debt in foreign currency has become a major accelerator of the climate crisis. There is a vicious cycle between the debt and climate crises, each reinforcing the other. It is thus profoundly contradictory that more than two-thirds of climate finance arrives in the form of loans that serve to exacerbate this debt crisis, forcing countries into actions that entrench the climate crisis. The real value of these loans is often over-stated and yet, alarmingly, many of the proposals presently being considered for expanding climate finance seem to be focused on even more loans – rather than exploring fairer and more sustainable alternatives.


How to Be a Role Model for Girls

How to Be a Role Model for Girls (leanin.org)

Together we can encourage the next generation of female leaders. Girls often look to the women in their lives for cues about how to think and act. When we speak confidently, take risks, and own our accomplishments, we set positive examples for girls to follow. There are countless opportunities every day to help girls gain the confidence and skills they need to lean in and take the lead.

1. Coach Girls to Speak Confidently

Girls can undermine themselves when they speak.

Many girls use phrases like “kind of” and “sort of” to weaken their statements. Some introduce opinions with disclaimers (“I’m not sure if this is right, but . . .”) or use upspeak so their statements sound like questions (“Martin Luther King, Jr., was a civil rights leader?”). These verbal crutches hinder a girl’s ability to share her ideas clearly and confidently—a habit that often carries over into adulthood.


Известување за почеток на процесот за подготовка на шестиот национален Акциски план за Партнерството за отворена власт 2024-2026 година

Почитувани претставници на организации на граѓанското општество,

Ве известуваме дека започнува процесот на подготовка на шестиот национален Акциски план за Партнерство за отворена власт 2024-2026 (НАП 6).
Со цел навремено вклучување и предвидливост на процесот на ко-креација, Советот за Партнерство за отворена власт на петтата седница одржана на 17.05.2023 година усвои Временска рамка на активности за подготовка на НАП 6 2024-2026.  Временската рамка може да ја најдете тука.

Во временската рамка се дадени првично утврдени датуми и истата може да се надополнува со настани и состаноци во организација на сите чинители во Партнерството за отворена власт. Во рамките на активностите за подготовка на Акцискиот план, предвиден е начинот на вклучувањето на засегнатите страни, едукација, работни сесии за ко-креирање на заложби, консултации и утврдување на планот. Ваквиот систематизиран начин на планирање и спроведување на процесот на консултација  ќе осигура навремен, непречен, инклузивен и транспарентен процес на ко-креирање на новиот акциски план за Партнерство за отворена власт.




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