Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








State of the Right to Food & Nutrition 2022 - Report

Direct Link to Full 45-Page 2022/2023 Report of the Global Network for the Right to Food & Nutrition

2023-02-26_state-rtfn-report_2022_eng_0.pdf (righttofoodandnutrition.org)

War, systemic violence, and structural inequality impacting the Right to Food and Nutrition in times of multiple crises

Извор: WUNRN – 04.03.2023

Urgent Need to Build Universal Social Protection for Children

Direct Link to Full 136-Page ILO & UNICEF Publication: wcms_869602.pdf (ilo.org)

Although there are approximately 2.4 billion children aged 0–18 years worldwide, this report presents effective coverage data for those aged 0–15 years, which equates to 2 billion children in this age group; of these, 1.46 billion enjoy no effective social protection coverage. Furthermore, in this report, the use of “0–18 years” applies to all children aged from zero up until their 18th birthday. The use of 0–15 years refers to all children aged from zero up until their 15th birthday. Key messages on the state of social protection for children u The positive impacts of social protection for children are beyond question. Extensive evidence shows that child-sensitive social protection reduces poverty while also contributing to income security in households, with broader significance for child health, education and food security and protection.


Policy on the Crime of Gender Persecution

Direct Link to Full 33-Page 2022 Publication: Policy on the Crime of Gender Persecution (icc-cpi.int)

Persecution has been a long-standing matter of international concern and is firmly based in customary international law. Persecution as a crime against humanity crystallised as an international crime in the London and Tokyo Charters and in the judgements of the post-Second World War International Military Tribunals, with evidence of gender-based crimes appearing in their written records. Despite this longstanding record of evidence of gender-based crimes in atrocities, the crime against humanity of persecution on the grounds of gender, referred to in this Policy as “gender persecution,” was not expressly established in treaty law until the adoption of the Rome Statute—the first international criminal law statute to recognise gender persecution as such. Inclusion of gender persecution resulted from a successful effort to secure recognition of various forms of sexual and gender-based harms in the Statute.

Извор: WUNRN – 01.03.2023


Climate Justice Needs Young Feminists - WECF Activity Kit

Direct Link to full 18-Page 2022 WECF Activity Kit: WECF-activity-kit-online-EN.pdf - WECF – Women Engage for a Common Future -

Being a young person today is equal parts exciting and confusing. Navigating a global pandemic, the climate crisis, as well as taking time to understand yourself and how you relate to the world around you can be a lot sometimes. Many youth from all over the world are coming together to fight for their futures, and in doing so are not only changing the world but are also better understanding themselves and what they want. This interactive toolkit will help you make sense of some of your political desires and demands and explain how you can use these feelings to inspire action!


EDVAW Platform of Independent Expert Mechanisms on Discrimination & Violence Against Women

Direct Link to Full 38-Page EDVAW 2022 Report: 1680a933ae (coe.int)

The Platform of Independent Expert Mechanisms on Discrimination and Violence against Women (EDVAW Platform) was launched at the initiative of the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences in March 2018. It gathers seven United Nations and regional independent expert mechanisms on violence against women and women’s rights operating at the international and regional levels.1 The EDVAW Platform aims to strengthen institutional co-operation between the mechanisms with a view to undertaking joint action to harmonise and improve the implementation of the existing international legal and policy frameworks on violence against women.




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