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UN Secretary-General's Report Outlines R escue Plan for People and Planet

UN Secretary-General’s Report Outlines Rescue Plan for People and Planet | News | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD


The UN has released an advance unedited version of the UN Secretary-General’s annual report on SDG progress. This year’s “special edition” report updates on progress made since 2015 against the global SDG indicator framework. It will inform discussions during the July 2023 session of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and the SDG Summit in September.

Produced at the mid-way point towards 2030, the report is titled, ‘Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: Towards a Rescue Plan for People and Planet.’ It warns that “many of the SDGs are moderately to severely off track” and offers five recommendations to “rescue” the Goals by the 2030 deadline………


Embracing Transformative Leadership for Women's Land Rights for Sustainable Change

Embracing Transformative leadership for women’s land rights for sustainable change | Land Portal

7 June 2023 - In the past decade, the land rights movement, particularly the women's land rights movement, has significantly made progress in strengthening the recognition of land rights in national, regional and international instruments. Despite the progress, translating these recommendations into legislative provisions and practices in countries has been slow or minimal. A comparative analysis(link is external) of seven African countries conducted by the Institute for Poverty Land and Agrarian Studies found significant gaps between the presence of policies and their implementation on the ground. Many African countries have formulated statutory laws to protect women's land rights. Some of these statutory laws have loopholes or might contradict other sectoral laws, a barrier to fully realizing women's land rights. In some countries, there are discriminatory social norms and rapid changes in the local agrarian systems, which lead to opportunistic and selfish acts in local land governance administration, sometimes ripping local societies apart. These hinder the implementation of progressive statutory regulations and even worsen gender inequality on land.


Global Fertility Has Collapsed, with Profound Economic Consequences

Global fertility has collapsed, with profound economic consequences (economist.com)

What might change the world’s dire demographic trajectory?

June 1, 2023 - In the roughly 250 years since the Industrial Revolution the world’s population, like its wealth, has exploded. Before the end of this century, however, the number of people on the planet could shrink for the first time since the Black Death. The root cause is not a surge in deaths, but a slump in births. Across much of the world the fertility rate, the average number of births per woman, is collapsing. Although the trend may be familiar, its extent and its consequences are not.


EU - MARVOW - Multi-Agency Responses to Violence against Older Women

MARVOW Project

Direct Link to Full 8-Page Report: MARVOW-Best-Practices-Report.pdf

What is the MARVOW Project?

Abuse of older women is perhaps the most underdeveloped of all aspects of support services for gender-based violence in Europe. For this reason, the MARVOW project will develop and implement a comprehensive multiagency cooperation model for working with elderly victims of abuse. It will do so by bringing together a wide range of stakeholders from relevant sectors of activity (eldercare, healthcare, protection and social services, judiciary and police among others) to identify the gaps that exist within current systems that hinder their ability to adequately serve older victims. MARVOW will also assist these actors in implementing direct interventions to support victims and work with perpetrators to try and break the cycle of violence. The model will be extensively evaluated and improved before being disseminated to a wide audience of policy makers and service providers in partner countries (Austria, Estonia, Greece, Germany) and throughout Europe for replication.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар