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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Protecting Women & Girls from Violence in the Digital Age


Direct Link to Full 71-Page 2021 Report: file:///C:/Users/Lois/Downloads/153621GBR_digital%20violence%20women.pdf

The Istanbul Convention is the most far-reaching international treaty to tackle violence against women and domestic violence. Its comprehensive set of provisions spans far-ranging preventive and protective measures as well as a number of obligations to ensure an adequate criminal justice response to such serious violations of human rights. The Budapest Convention on Cybercrime is the most relevant international agreement on cybercrime and electronic evidence. It provides for the criminalisation of offences against and by means of computers, procedural law tools to secure electronic evidence, and for international co-operation among Parties. This study looks at the complementary application of these two conventions to address online and technology-facilitated violence against women through co-ordinated policies, prevention, protection, prosecution and international co-operation.

Извор: WUNRN – 14.07.2023


Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2023

Direct Link to Full 31-Page 2023 Report:  2023mpireportenpdf.pdf (undp.org)

This report presents a compact update on the state of multidimensional poverty (henceforth referred to as “poverty”) in the world. It compiles data from 110 developing countries covering 6.1 billion people, accounting for 92 percent of the population in developing countries. It tells an important and persistent story about how prevalent poverty is in the world and provides insights into the lives of poor people, their deprivations and how intense their poverty is—to inform and accelerate efforts to end poverty in all its forms. As still only a few countries have data from after the COVID-19 pandemic, the report urgently calls for updated multidimensional poverty data. And while providing a sobering annual stock take of global poverty, the report also highlights examples of success in every region.

Извор: WUNRN – 12.07.2023


World Bank’s Financial Inclusion Agenda Blind to Growing GENDERED Over-Indebtedness

Elderly woman counts money, China. Credit: Curt Carnemark / World Bank


  • World Bank’s financial inclusion programme celebrates latest banking data, papering over issues of over-indebtedness and moral hazard as banks post record profits
  • Cost of living crisis, financialisation and austerity create perfect storm as women sink deeper into debt trap to sustain their households and livelihoods

5 April 2023 - The World Bank released its latest Global Findex data on financial inclusion last year, celebrating a worldwide rise in account ownership from 51 to 76 per cent since 2011, fuelled by digitisation, mobile money and increasing female banking rates. However, research by Third World Network and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro professor Lena Lavinas on Ecuador, PakistanBrazil and South Africa points to another concerning trend: Growing household over-indebtedness, much of which is shouldered by women. In Ecuador, massive cuts to the public health care system as a result of World Bank and IMF loan conditions led to women taking on growing debt to cover healthcare and household expenses (see Observer Summer 2020; Briefing, Learning lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic: The World Bank’s macroeconomic policies and women’s rights).


No Space for Violence Against Women & Girls in the Digital World

No space for violence against women and girls in the digital world - Commissioner for Human Rights (coe.int)

March 2022 - The advancement of technology has enabled us to connect, share important information, speak up and raise awareness on human rights violations. But it has also provided additional fertile grounds for gender-based violence against women and girls to an alarming extent, and with little accountability. It has fuelled the perpetration of insidious harmful actions, often by partners and ex-partners but also anonymous individuals, perpetuating an environment in which violence against women and girls seems to be normalised by society. Lockdowns imposed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic only amplified this long-standing problem, with a high number of instances of online sexual abuse.




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