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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Women & Girls Bear the Brunt of Global Eater & Sanitation Crisis

© UNICEF/Bernadino Soares

A six-year-old girl is carrying water from a fountain, which is far away from her house in Letefoho, Hatugau, Ermera municipality, Timor-Leste.


July 6, 2023 - Women and girls are primarily responsible for water collection in seven out of 10 households that lack supply, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) said in a new report .

The study provides the first in-depth analysis of gender inequalities in drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in households, revealing that women and girls bear the brunt of the global water and sanitation crisis.


Evaluating the Integration of Gender in Green Climate Fund Projects & Programs

Direct Link to Full 99-Page 2021 Report: Gender-Action-HBF-GCF-gender-integration.pdf (genderaction.org)

Recommendation:All GCF (Green Climate Fund) projects/programs must ensure women’s groups/local groups/grassroots women can get access to project/program funding. This can be either directly by designating project/ program components that devolve some funding directly to them, or indirectly, by including them as executing entities for certain targeted activities under some or all project/program components, in which their specific expertise enriches overall project/program implementation and sustains continued gendered and local benefits.

Извор: WUNRN – 08.07.2023

EU - Contribution from the Civil Society Forum on Drugs to Enhance the GENDER Perspective into EU Drug Policy

Direct Link to Full 19-Page 2023 Report: https://www.dianova.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/202304-CSFD-Gender-and-drugs.pdf

Women who use drugs are two to five times more likely to have suffered gender-based violence than women who do not use drugs.3 Indeed, gender-based violence can be understood as an initiating or aggravating factor in drug dependence. Violence and drug dependence form a complex relationship that needs to be addressed in a holistic, rather than fragmented, manner. Gender-based violence should therefore be addressed as a public health issue, including through the provision of additional services to counteract gender-based violence whilst supporting those who face such violence. Such services should be fully integrated with gender sensitive drug prevention, treatment, harm reduction, care and recovery services. Indeed, there is a dire need for comprehensive, quality care for women who use drugs in situations of gender-based violence. The following principles should be applied while delivering essential services to women who use drugs: 1) a rights-based approach; 2) advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment; 3) cultural, age appropriate and sensitive; 4) a survivor-centered approach; 5) safety is paramount; 6) perpetrator accountability. Unfortunately, most of these principles are not applied or are not fully applied in the essential services, when it comes to women who use drugs. For instance, gender-based violence could be addressed through interventions in women- and gender-non-conforming people-only settings that deal with gender-based violence (group therapies), whilst working with non-violent coping mechanisms in harm reduction, treatment, care, and recovery settings.

Извор: WUNRN – 07.07.2023

2023 Global Sustainable Development Report & Sustainable Development Goals

Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) 2023 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs (un.org)

UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs – UN DESA

The current draft of the 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) is an advance, unedited version. The final glossy version of the report will be available in September 2023.

Advance, unedited 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report




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