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EU - Women's Labour-Market Participation - Sustainable Illusions - Obstacles & Policy Levers

Direct Link to Full 86-Page 2022 Publication: Sustainable_Illusions.pdf (rosalux.de)

There is persistent gender inequality on the labour market at EU level, as well as in individual Member States. While some improvement is taking place, this progress is very slow and often nuanced. It is still largely women who take on the burden of care work, which in turn negatively impacts their prospects on the labour market, leading to women accounting for a more substantial share of people living in poverty and resulting in a gender wage and pension gap. While some countries fare better than the EU average, some fall well below the goals and targets set by EU policies. In 2015, the EU committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Develop[1]ment Goals (SDG), including goals to achieve gender equality (SDG 5) and decent work (SDG 8) by 2030. Has this commitment led to any real change for women in the EU, and is it realistic that in 2030 we will see those goals becoming a reality?

Извор: WUNRN – 27.03.2023




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