Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Fostering Women's Empowerment & Leadership - UNESCO

Direct Link to Full 138-Page 2017 UNESCO Publication:


Women’s Empowerment and Sustainable Development

  • The Power of Women’s and Girls’ Education

EU - Gender Equality in Employment Is Still a Distant Promise in Europe


Gender Equality in Employment Is Still a Distant Promise in Europe

Strasbourg, 20 December 2017 – “This year once again women in Europe effectively worked without pay during the last two months in comparison to men. In addition they continued to face underrepresentation in decision-making bodies and positions. This is a gross injustice and a human rights violation. European states must tackle it much more forcefully than has been the case so far”, said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, in his end-of-the-year statement.

“Although the situation varies from country to country, it is clear that women suffer everywhere on our continent from unequal treatment and opportunities in the workplace. It would be wrong to believe that this situation is the result of employment dynamics only. In reality, discrimination against women, be it direct or indirect, in this sphere of life results from deep-rooted societal attitudes that keep women in a subordinate role. Tackling this problem therefore requires  a comprehensive approach from Council of Europe member states, from laws to be changed to political, cultural and economic measures to be implemented”, said Commissioner Muižnieks.


Close the Digital Gender Gap - REACT: Rights, Education, Access, Content, & Targets


Women’s Rights Online (WRO) is a research and advocacy network that aims to drive women’s empowerment through the web.

The network is an initiative of the Web Foundation, and currently comprises women’s rights and digital rights groups across 14 developing countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America, working to bridge the gender gap in technology, data, and policymaking.

Using a blend of fresh research, policy advocacy, and storytelling, our work focuses on reforming policy and regulation so that everyone, everywhere can i) afford to connect and ii) have the skills and opportunities to participate in the digital revolution privately and freely.


European Pillar of Social Rights - 20 Principles - Gender


The European Pillar of Social Rights in 20 principles

The Pillar of Social Rights is about delivering new and more effective rights for citizens, built upon 20 key principles.

The Pillar of Social Rights is about delivering new and more effective rights for citizens. It builds upon 20 key principles, structured around three categories:

  • Equal opportunities and access to the labour market

  • Fair working conditions

  • Social protection and inclusion




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар