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Migrants' Vulnerabilities to Human Trafficking & Exploitation en Route to Europe - Gender


Direct Link to Full 94-page 2017 IOM (UN Migration Agency) Publication:



Over the past years, public attention has gradually turned to the experiences of migrants along the precarious Mediterranean routes to Europe. A large number of migrants continue to risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Europe, often enduring long and perilous journeys. A growing body of evidence is beginning to highlight the scale and scope of exploitation experienced by migrants along these routes, including human trafficking.


Gender Sensitive Language - Gender Equality Glossary & Thesaurus


Gender-sensitive language is the realisation of gender equality in written and spoken language. Gender equality in language is attained when women and men and those who do not conform to the binary gender system are made visible and addressed in language as persons of equal value, dignity, integrity and respect.

Avoiding sex- and gender-based discrimination starts with language, as the systematic use of gender-biased terminology influences attitudes and expectations and could, in the mind of the reader or listener, relegate women to the background or help perpetuate a stereotyped view of women’s and men’s roles. There are number of different strategies that can be used to express gender relationships with accuracy, such as avoiding, to the greatest possible extent, the use of language that refers explicitly or implicitly to only one gender, and ensuring, through inclusionary alternatives and according to each language’s characteristics, the use of gender-sensitive and inclusive language.


The Economic Impacts of Child Marriage


Economic Impacts of Child Marriage: Global Synthesis Report

This report summarizes the economic impacts of child marriage, and documents the extent to which keeping girls in school could help end child marriage.


Universal Health Coverage: An Informal Woman Worker Perspective

Photo - Jonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images Reportage

By Laura Alfers - Dec 11, 2017

Healthcare is a hot button issue around the world right now. As Universal Health Coverage (UHC) has become a rallying call for the global health movement, it has been embraced by both the World Bank and the World Health Organization as a core objective and is encapsulated within the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 3.8. The elevation of the need for UHC on key global platforms has been an important shift, but there is still a gap in the understanding of informal workers in this debate. 

On the one hand, UHC is thought of as a universal social provision, defined as an entitlement of citizenship or as a human right, and not as an issue related to employment. Workers tend to be compartmentalized as a “special group,” within which informal workers are seen as a vulnerable group. On the other hand, informal workers are a concern only when it comes to how to include those outside of a standard employment relationship in contributory health insurance mechanisms, on the assumption that health care is something that must be paid for.




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