Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Financial hardship linked to inadequate health coverage policies

WHO/Malin Bring

A new analysis from WHO/Europe, released on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day alongside a global UHC monitoring report, compares financial protection in Czechia, Estonia and Latvia. It concludes that households in these broadly similar countries experience markedly different levels of financial hardship when using health services.

According to the report, the incidence of catastrophic and impoverishing out-of-pocket payments – payments that exceed 40% of a household’s capacity to pay for health or push a household into poverty – is very low in Czechia, higher in Estonia and among Europe’s highest in Latvia.


EU - Women's Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights in Europe


Council of Europe

Progress needed to ensure women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in Europe!

Despite considerable progress, women in Europe continue to face widespread denials and infringements of their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Laws, policies and practices still curtail and undermine women’s sexual and reproductive health, autonomy, dignity, and decision-making and pervasive gender inequality continues to have profound effects on their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Moreover, in recent years, resurgent threats to these rights have emerged jeopardising longstanding commitments to gender equality and women’s rights.


Schools - Places Of Violence, & To Prevent Violence, Against Girls

Every year, an estimated 246 million children suffer school-related violence and GIRLS are the first victims of these abusive situations

By PierreBremond - 30/11/2017

There is evidence that the education of women and girls has a positive impact on economic, social, cultural and public health development, particularly in developing countries. When women are educated, they become empowered to participate in family decision-making and community life; they are better prepared to protect their own health and that of their loved ones.


Violence Against Women: Unacceptable & Unmeasured

UNDP - United Nations Development Program

Full 286-Page 2016 UNDP Human Development Report: Human Development for Everyone


By Yu-Chieh Hsu, Statistics Analyst, and Milorad Kovacevic, Chief Statistician, at the Human Development Report Office, UNDP

22 November 2017 - One third of women—and more than two-thirds in some countries—have experienced physical or sexual violence inflicted by an intimate partner or sexual violence inflicted by a non-partner, according to the World Health Organization.


Time Magazine Cover Honors "The Silence Breakers" as Person(s) of the Year

The faces of five women who have spoken out about sexual harassment appear on Time magazine's Person of the Year front cover - along with a mystery right arm.

If you simply glanced at the front cover of the latest Time magazine you may have missed it - an apparently rogue right arm poking into shot.

The faces of five women - including singer Taylor Swift and actor Ashley Judd - feature on the magazine's 2017 Person of the Year cover.




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