Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Gender Sensitive Language - Gender Equality Glossary & Thesaurus


Gender-sensitive language is the realisation of gender equality in written and spoken language. Gender equality in language is attained when women and men and those who do not conform to the binary gender system are made visible and addressed in language as persons of equal value, dignity, integrity and respect.

Avoiding sex- and gender-based discrimination starts with language, as the systematic use of gender-biased terminology influences attitudes and expectations and could, in the mind of the reader or listener, relegate women to the background or help perpetuate a stereotyped view of women’s and men’s roles. There are number of different strategies that can be used to express gender relationships with accuracy, such as avoiding, to the greatest possible extent, the use of language that refers explicitly or implicitly to only one gender, and ensuring, through inclusionary alternatives and according to each language’s characteristics, the use of gender-sensitive and inclusive language.


For FULL Thesaurus – All Alphabet Letter, Click  on Website:


Gender Equality Glossary & Thesaurus



affirmative action measures

assisting spouses

asylum-seeking women and girls

atypical work employment


balanced participation of women and men



best practices for gender equality




body, woman’s


burden of proof


capacity building

care economy

care ethics

care work

career breaks

caring masculinity

child marriage


civil society

claims to resources


commercial sexual exploitation

competence development

compounded stereotypes

consultative and participatory techniques and tools

crimes committed in the name of so-called honour

cultural violence

custodial violence against women

cyber harassment

cyber stalking

cyber violence against women and girls


date rape

dating violence

de facto gender equality

de jure gender equality

democratic deficit

dependant care

derived rights

desegregation of the labour market

dignity at work

direct discrimination

direct violence

disadvantaged groups

discrimination against women


division of labour

domestic division of labour

domestic responsibilities

domestic violence

domestic work

double standards

dual approach to gender equality

due diligence


early marriage

economic abuse

economic violence

elder abuse

emancipation of women

emergency contraception

emotional abuse

employment segregation

empowerment of women

equal access to justice for women and men

equal access to resources for women and men

equal opportunities for women and men

equal pay for work of equal value

equal remuneration of women and men

equal sharing of domestic responsibilities

equal treatment of women and men

equality between women and men

equality bodies

equality dimension

equality of outcome

equality of women and men

equity between women and men

ethics of care

Извор: WUNRN – 23.01.2018




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