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Where Are the Investigative Journalists Challenging Patriarchy?

Women’s March 2017. Photo: Mark Dixon/Wikimedia. Creative Commons (CC by 2.0). Some rights reserved.

By Claire Provost and Lara Whyte - 19 January 2018

Amid growing threats to our sexual and reproductive rights, and enduring inequality, discrimination and gender-based violence, we need fearless feminist investigative journalism now. Apply for 50.50's inaugural feminist investigative journalism fellowships.

When a younger, less-experienced man receives a higher salary for the same job. When senior, male colleagues ask about your sex life. When the dominance of precarious, freelance work means no maternity leave and limited reproductive choice.


Global Risks Report 2018 - Gender

Each year the Global Risks Report works with experts and decision-makers across the world to identify and analyze the most pressing risks that we face. As the pace of change accelerates, and as risk interconnections deepen, this year’s report highlights the growing strain we are placing on many of the global systems we rely on.

This year’s report covers more risks than ever, but focuses in particular on four key areas: environmental degradation, cybersecurity breaches, economic strains and geopolitical tensions. And in a new series called “Future Shocks” the report cautions against complacency and highlights the need to prepare for sudden and dramatic disruptions.


What the Pay Gap Between Men & Women Really Looks Like

The average pay for women in 2017 was $12,000, compared with $21,000 for men.

Briony Harris – 06 Nov 2017 – Reviewed at World Economic Forum Davos 2018

Explore the latest strategic trends, research and analysis

Men are still being paid much more than women. And their earnings are increasing more rapidly. This means the pay gap is widening, despite numerous initiatives to break glass ceilings and force salary disclosure.

These figures are included in the World Economic Forum’s wide-reaching Global Gender Gap Report 2017 which looks at the differences between men and women in four key areas; health, economics, politics and education.


Cervical cancer prevention and control is saving lives in the Republic of Korea

Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

2 February 2018 – The Republic of Korea is demonstrating how it is possible, through investment and expanded universal health coverage, to reduce illness and death through cervical cancer prevention and control, also a key focus of World Cancer Day on 4 February.

Talking about sexual and reproductive health can be difficult for many people. In the Republic of Korea, WHO recommendations are helping health authorities overcome such challenges as part of a nationwide effort to protect many girls and women from cervical cancer.

One mother, Young Shin Seo, recently took her daughter to see a gynecologist in the Gangdong district of the capital, Seoul. Her daughter was nervous, she says. But the specialist quickly put her mind at ease.




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