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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Министерството за финансии на РМ објави дека се подготвува буџетот на РМ за 2014 година


Министерот за финансии објави дека сите буџетски корисници и единки корисници активно работат на подготовка на буџетот за 2014 година, кој треба да биде предложен до Владата и Собранието на РМ во периодот на ноември и декември 2013 година.

Во изјавата министерот најави дека оваа година во буџетот ќе бидат презентирани и проекции на буџетските ставки за наредните две години.

Министерот не најави други новитети во буџетскиот процес, како на пример: вклучување на граѓани, донесување на завршна сметка на буџетот во март – април секоја година наместо во септември, подготовка на граѓански буџет и сл.

From counting women to making women count

Focusing on Women in Media Development Programs.

Women’s voices are essential to the development of societies; correspondingly, gender equality and female empowerment are necessary to finding solutions to the world’s most pressing development challenges. Although gender concerns have been part of development programs for almost 40 years, a wide range of stakeholders report that it continues to be an afterthought, or just a box to tick during program implementation.


Извор: Women’s UN Report Network - 05.08.2013


10 actions to make Post-2015 development “local”

June 27, 2013 - Those of us honored to work with the rural poor recognize the truth of Tip O’Neill’s famous saying: “All politics is local.” If you are a mother carrying a baby on your back and traveling everywhere by foot, unless your government is within 10km, it simply doesn’t exist.

The world community, however, has paid scant attention to this truth. In the year 2000, world leaders created the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – eight time-bound goals to significantly cut poverty in all its forms. MDGs such as access to pre-school, primary education, good nutrition, safe water and sanitation all require effective local governance. Yet very little was done to “localize” the MDGs.

Now the world is focused on creating bold new goals for the period 2015-2030. The UN Secretary-General has launched history’s most inclusive policy process, and local government associations have demanded a voice, establishing a Global Task Force devoted to this task. The first milestone in this process is the report of the High-Level Panel, launched on May 30, and its report mentions local authorities ten times.


Tracking progress in achieving human rights goals

With the 15-year Millennium Development Goals drawing to a close, the United Nations and its partners are negotiating the strategy which will succeed them. The Development Post-2015 Agenda still has the eradication of extreme poverty as its overarching goal and puts sustainable development at the core of the transformative shifts it is aiming to achieve in the years through to 2030.

Central to the global planning for post-2015 has been a review of the methods used to measure progress of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agreed in 2000. The UN Human Rights Office has been working with a special task force established by the UN Secretary-General to evaluate existing data collection and interpretive methods and to design an appropriate monitoring framework for the post-2015 agenda.

The subject could not be more important, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said at the launch of the report, "Statistics and indicators for the post-2015 development agenda", which was produced by the task force with contributions from more than 60 UN entities. “Without adequate data and appropriate measurement methods, post-2015 commitments will be little more than pious hopes, devaluing the currency of global promises,” Pillay said.


Reproductive health information and abortion services: Standards developed by the European Court of Human Rights

In 3 recent judgments, the European Court of Human Rights addressed the issue of access to abortion and related reproductive health services. In 2 of the judgments, the Court declared that the state violated women’s rights by obstructing access to legal health services, including abortion. In so doing, it referred to the state’s failure to implement domestic norms on prenatal testing and conscientious objection, and recognized the relevance of international medical guidelines. This illustrates that domestic and international medical standards can serve as critical guidance to human rights courts. In the third case, the Court showed its unwillingness to declare access to abortion a human right per se, which is troubling from the perspective of women’s right to health and dignity. The present article outlines the relevance of these cases for the reproductive health profession and argues that medical professional societies can influence human rights courts by developing and enforcing medical standards, not only for the benefit of abortion rights domestically but also for the advancement of women’s human rights worldwide.

Read more on the article here.

 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics




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