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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Mapping your online media strategy – a guide for nonprofits

In this guide you can find more guidelines on the following topics:social media and the spread of information, how south Africa connects, are you wasting your time with online media?, overview of some popular social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, Pinterest, Blogging),summary of time needed for social media, crafting an online media strategy, guiding questions for creating, social media policies, sample content calendar, managing your social media staff and conclusion.

Read the full guide

Source: WUNRN

Austerity measures in developing countries: Public expenditure trends & risks to children & women


This study examines how austerity measures may have adversely affected children and women in a sample of 128 developing countries in 2012. It relies on International Monetary Fund (IMF) fiscal projections and IMF country reports to gauge how social assistance and other public spending decisions have evolved since the start of the global economic crisis. The study finds that most developing countries boosted total expenditures during the first phase of the crisis (2008–09); but beginning in 2010, budget contraction became widespread, with ninety-one governments cutting overall spending in 2012. Moreover, the data suggest that nearly one-quarter of developing countries underwent excessive fiscal contraction, defined as cutting expenditures below pre-crisis levels. Governments considered four main options to achieve fiscal consolidation – wage bill cuts/caps, phasing out subsidies, further targeting social safety nets, and reforming old-age pensions – each of which would be likely to have a disproportionately negative impact on children and women.


Државата ќе потроши најмалку 4.000.000,00 денари од јавниот буџет за непродуктивни цели

Граѓаните континуирано се соочуваат со проблеми во пристапот до основните превентивни здравствени услуги, Министерството за здравство континуирано се соочува со проблем на обезбедување на доволно средства за спроведување на превентивните здравствени услуги, Фондот за здравствено осигурување на РМ од година во година паѓа во се поголема неликвидност и чека на помош на Владата, Фондот за пензиско и инвалидско осигурување исплаќа пензии со средства кои се обезбедуваат преку издавање на државни обврзници, а пак Министерството за финансии и Владата на РМ и понатаму спроведуваат популистички кампањи  и ги трошат парите на граѓаните за непродуктивни цели.

Накратко, за да Министерството за финансии и Владата на РМ ја спроведат планираната наградна игра, проценуваме дека ќе потрошат минимум 79.800,00 евра или 4.907.700,00 денари, за да обезбедат само една награда од листата на планирани.

Statement on trafficking in human beings

Each human being is a free person, whether man, woman, girl or boy, and is destined to exist for the good of others, based on equality amongst them. A relationship that fails to respect the fundamental conviction that all people, men, women, girls, and boys are equal and have the same freedom and dignity constitutes a grave crime against humanity.

Despite the efforts of many, trafficking in human beings, this contemporary form of slavery, is a daunting plague of a vast scale in many countries across the world. Victims are hidden away in private apartments, in illegal establishments, in factories, on farms, behind closed doors, in families, homes and other places in the cities and villages of the world’s richest and poorest nations and the situation is not improving but is very likely getting worse. It has become pertinent and urgent to vigorously put an end to trafficking in human beings and all forms of exploitation, particularly prostitution, as well as to the widespread dissemination of pornographic material, especially on the Internet.

Trafficking in human beings in all its forms, and in particular trafficking for sexual exploitation and prostitution, must be declared a crime against humanity. Traffickers must be prosecuted on the basis of clear international laws, including confiscation of profits derived from their illegal activities, and the victims must be fully compensated.


How open is your government? Get the data

As the Open Government Partnership summit opens in London, take a look at the global picture with some data downloads.

It is certainly in vogue for those in power to make high-profile pledges on openness and transparency. Speeches and policy documents are increasingly littered with references to open data, "partnerships" and the acronyms of the various international transparency initiatives such as Iati (foreign aid) and Eiti (extractive industries).

This week, 1,000 politicians, bureaucrats and civil society representatives are expected in London for the annual summit of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), which says it aims for "a global culture of open government that empowers and delivers for citizens, and advances the ideals of open and participatory 21st-century government".

Launched in 2011, the OGP talks in big numbers and broad commitments: in two years, its membership has grown from eight to 60 countries, together making nearly 1,000 commitments. At the G8 summit last summer, David Cameron said the UK's leadership of the OGP this year would "drive a transparency revolution in every corner of the world".




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