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Government at a Glance 2013

The OECD’s latest Government at a Glance report looks at what governments can do to improve their effectiveness and efficiency while meeting the needs of citizens. It provides a dashboard of more than 50 indicators measuring government performance across the 34 member countries of the OECD.

A news briefing on the report will take place at 9.00 a.m. Thursday 14 November 2013 at the OECD Conference Centre, Paris. It will be presented by Rolf Alter, OECD Director of Public Governance and Territorial Development and Joe Wild, Chair of the OECD’s Public Governance Committee.

The latest edition of the report includes new topics such  Strategic Governance, with indicators on trust in institutions, risk management and the rule of law; Women in Government which analyses the participation of women in all areas of public life; and Serving Citizens, based on aspects such as access, responsiveness, reliability and satisfaction. Recent surveys carried out on budget practices and procedures, performance budgeting, public procurement and compensation have contributed to a renewed set of indicators on these topics.

Read more on the following link:

Source: OECD

Bringing Justice to Health

For millions of people around the world, human rights violations are part of everyday life. Sexual violence, discrimination in housing, unwarranted dismissal from employment, unfair evictions, denial of child support, and police harassment are only a few such violations.

These have a particularly harsh impact on people whose health is compromised and on people society often excludes—like sex workers, people who use drugs, patients nearing death, Roma, and people living with HIV.

Bringing Justice to Health shows the potential to transform this dynamic, profiling 11 access to justice projects based in Indonesia, Kenya, Macedonia, Russia, South Africa, and Uganda. These projects use a range of approaches to make the law meaningful for marginalized people and to improve their health.

Whether through medical and legal partnerships, peer paralegals, or web-based consultations - see what’s possible when people become empowered to claim their rights and their health.


Watch the first in a series of videos on Bringing Justice to Health: Roma in Macedonia: http://osf.to/19hH00Y

Download the report to learn more: http://osf.to/182yEwY

Tweet about the report using the hashtag #justice2health

Follow us on Twitter:www.twitter.com/OSFHealth and on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OpenSocietyHealth

Statement at the end of the IMF Second Post-Program Monitoring Mission to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

An IMF team headed by Ms. Ivanna Vladkova Hollar conducted post-program monitoring of the Macedonian economy during October 29–November 8, 2013. The post program monitoring (PPM) process is intended for member countries that have substantial IMF credit outstanding following the expiration of their programs. After the mission, the team will draft a report which will be submitted to the IMF Board.

1. Macroeconomic prospects are improving, even as the external environment remains uncertain. Policies should therefore start shifting away from providing stimulus to the economy and focus on preserving fiscal and external sustainability. Doing so will require a pace of fiscal consolidation that is attuned to the speed of the economic recovery and provides space for growth-enhancing capital expenditure. Over the medium term, FYR Macedonia needs to unlock stronger flows of foreign direct investment and strengthen their linkages with the domestic productive sector to help ensure faster and more balanced growth.

2. Macroeconomic prospects are improving, and FYR Macedonia is well-positioned to return to growth on the back of a gradual recovery in Europe. Growth of about 2½ percent in 2013 appears achievable, largely driven by public investment and a better performance of net exports. However, against the backdrop of a still uncertain external environment, a broadening of the growth base towards domestic private demand and signs of a stronger pickup in private credit would help balance the risks to the outlook.

3. As growth continues to strengthen, policies should start shifting away from providing stimulus—ending the monetary policy loosening cycle and implementing the planned reduction in fiscal deficits, starting with the 2014 budget.


Eurostat regional yearbook 2013

Statistical information is an important tool for understanding and quantifying the impact of political decisions in a specific territory or region. The Eurostat regional yearbook 2013 gives a detailed picture relating to a broad range of statistical topics across the regions of the Member States of the European Union (EU), as well as the regions of EFTA and candidate countries. Each chapter presents statistical information in maps, figures and tables, accompanied by a description of the main findings, data sources and policy context. These regional indicators are presented for the following 11 subjects: economy, population, health, education, the labour market, structural business statistics, tourism, the information society, agriculture, transport, and science, technology and innovation. In addition, four special focus chapters are included in this edition: these look at European cities, the definition of city and metro regions, income and living conditions according to the degree of urbanisation, and rural development.

Read more

Source: Eurostat

European social statistics

The pocketbook European social statistics, intended for both generalists and specialists, provides a comparative overview of the social statistics available in 27 Member States and the Candidate Countries of the European Union, as well as in the EFTA states. Different areas of the social field are described here by a selection of indicators which are presented in tables and graphs and accompanied by short commentaries. This pocketbook may be viewed as an introduction to European social statistics and provides guidance to the vast range of data freely available from the Eurostat website.

Read more

Source: Eurostat



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