Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








EU - Investing in children & breaking the cycle of disadvantage – girls

Child poverty and social exclusion are major challenges facing the European Union. As part of its Social Investment Package, the European Commission issued a major Recommendation on Investing in Children and Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage....The country reports prepared by the national experts are intended to assist the Commission and Member States in the implementation of the Recommendation and inform its monitoring. They set out what the Network experts see as the priorities for action in each Member State.

European Commission Synthesis Report

More information on these two links:



Извор: WUNRN – 14.03.2014


Има ли решение за буџетската нетранспарентност?

Некомплетни информации, потценување на влијанието на шоковите и дискреционите политики се трите клучни фактори кои предизвикуваат неочекувано зголемување на државниот долг. Непоходно е да се зголеми транспарентноста на “дискреционите раходи“, односно зајакнување на одговорноста и контролите во трошењето на средствата од ставката “функции на државата“.

Предлог-буџетот треба да биде достапен на пратениците најдоцна до октомври. Ова се неколку поенти од анализата “Добро управување преку поголема фискална транспарентност –препораки за имплементација на препораките од ад-хок комисијата“, што ја изработи Центарот за економски анализи во соработка со “Balkan Civil Society Development Network“, “Pontis foundation“ и “Slovak Aid“, а  чија цел е како Македонија да ја зголеми буџетската транспарентност, односно да го напушти сегашното друштво на Ангола, Сао Томе и Принсипе, Буркина Фасо, Венецуела, Тајланд и Србија ( од земјите во опкружувањето). Во последното мерење за 2012 та земјава, заедно со уште четири други, имаше најголем пад во однос на буџетската транспарентност.


Exclusion to Inclusion: Marginalized Women's Success in Overcoming Political Exclusion

Journeys from Exclusion to Inclusion: Marginalized Women’s Successes in Overcoming Political Exclusion identifies critical factors preventing marginalized women’s inclusion in customary and democratic decision-making structures and describes how women have worked in overcoming barriers to their participation.

The report’s ten case studies gather knowledge and practical experience from around the world, drawing upon reform efforts to identify ways in which women can impact on political processes through their participation in politics. The report details specific strategies marginalized women and their supporters have adopted, ranging from direct action strategies in Somaliland to ‘soft’ advocacy strategies in Cambodia.

Journeys from Exclusion to Inclusion: Marginalized women’s successes in overcoming political exclusion

Извор: WUNRN – 13.05.2014


The Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons

This is the most recent special procedure mandate, established by Human Rights Council resolution 24/20 of 27 September 2013.

The Independent Expert will be appointed by the Human Rights Council at its 25th session in March 2014. Click here for further information on the modalities for appointment and the list of candidates.


For human rights purposes, age is not a merely a numerical designation, but a social construct based on custom, practice and the perception of the role a person plays in his or her community. The specific vulnerabilities of older persons can be the result of physical and mental conditions, but can also result from the obstacles encountered due to societal perception and the interaction of an individual with his or her environment.

Population ageing constitutes one of the most significant demographic transformations of the twenty-first century. For the first time in history, humankind will reach a point at which there are fewer children than older persons in the world.

Approximately 700 million people, i.e. 10 percent of the world’s population are over the age of 60. It is estimated that by 2050, the number of older persons will have doubled reaching 20 percent of the global population. All regions will be confronted by growing numbers, whereby the fastest increase will take place in Africa, and Europe will continue to have the world’s oldest population with 34 percent of its population being over the age of 60.


Strengthening Older People’s Rights: Towards a UN Convention

Older men and women have the same rights as everyone else: we are all born equal and this does not change as we grow older. Even so, older people’s rights are mostly  invisible under international law.

Despite the existence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, older people  are not recognised explicitly under the international human rights laws that legally oblige governments to realise the rights of all people. Only one international human rights convention (The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families) mandates against age discrimination. Commitments to the rights of older people exist, such as with the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA). However, they are not legally binding and therefore only impose a moral obligation on governments to implement them. A UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons is necessary to ensure that older women and men can realise their rights. With a new UN convention, and the assistance of a Special Rapporteur, governments can have an explicit legal framework, guidance and support that would enable them to ensure that older people’s rights are realised in our increasingly ageing societies.Demographic change is resulting in unprecedented numbers of older people worldwide. Greater numbers of people will be affected directly by age discrimination and ageism, thereby increasing pressures on governments and society as a whole to respond. Strengthening older people’s human rights is the best single response. While UN conventions are agreed by governments, support cannot be built without the backing and advocacy of older people. Civil society organisations play a key role in making this happen and in holding governments to account for the decisions they make. This is why we need you to be involved.

Strengthening Older People’s Rights: Towards a UN Convention

Извор: WUNRN – 12.05.2014




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

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