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The Gender Justice Uncovered Awards

Gender Justice Uncovered VIDEO

The Gender Justice Uncovered Awards were created by the international organization Women's Link Worldwide because in all countries, regardless of their political system or religious beliefs and traditions, what judges and courts say have a tremendous influence on the sense of justice and in the day to day lives of people.

Your vote in the GENDER JUSTICE UNCOVERED AWARDS can make the difference.


By voting, you send a message that the human rights of women and girls around the world must be respected.

Go to the web site and get to know the cases.

Vote for a case that you think should win the GAVEL award because it advanced equality and improved the lives of women and girls.


You can also vote against sexist decisions. Choose a case that you think should receive the BLUDGEON award for failing to respect human rights.

Vote for as many cases as you want. You can vote once a day for each case.

Share your vote on Facebook and Twitter and let us know your opinions about the nominations. Remember to use #JusticeGenderAwards.

Извор: WUNRN – 02.06.2014


ILO World of Work Report 2014 - Developing with Jobs – Women

Disparity in quality jobs remains significant …Despite positive trends, employment and social challenges remain acute in most emerging and developing countries. More than half of the developing world's workers (i.e., nearly 1.5 billion people) are in vulnerable employment. These workers are less likely than wage earners to have formal working arrangements, be covered by social protection such as pensions and health care or have regular earnings. They tend to be trapped in a vicious circle of low-productivity occupations, poor remuneration and limited ability to invest in their families’ health and education, which in turn dampens overall development and growth prospects – not only for themselves but for generations to follow. In South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, more than three out of four workers are in vulnerable forms of employment, with women disproportionately affected compared to men.

......The youth unemployment rate exceeds 12 per cent in developing countries – more than three times the unemployment rate for adults. Regionally, the highest youth unemployment rates are found in the Middle East and North Africa regions, where nearly one in three young people in the labour force are unable to find work. Young women, in particular, are struggling to find work in these regions, with unemployment rates approaching 45 per cent.

.......The widening of income inequalities within countries is now a well-established fact. Analysis suggests that this trend is associated with a change in the distribution of income, to the detriment of labour.


EU Gender pay gap in public services

The overall gender pay gap Statistics from both Eurostat, the official European statistical office, and the individual national statistical offices make it clear that there is a gender pay gap in Europe as a whole. Defined by Eurostat on the basis of hourly earnings and as the gap between men’s and women’s earnings as a percentage of men’s, this gap averages 16% across the EU. It ranges from a gap of more than a quarter (27%) in Estonia to around a fiftieth (2%) in Slovenia. The latest figures from Eurostat suggest that at least until 2010, the gender pay gap appears to have been narrowing. However, there was no further progress in 2011.

The Gender Pay Gap in Public Services


Извор: WUNRN – 02.06.2014


In Toronto, Ban says ensuring health of women, children 'best investment we can make'

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meets with Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

Despite major global progress in improving the health of children and their mothers, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today urged participants at a summit in Toronto to show the leadership, build the key partnerships, generate the financing and devise the creative solutions needed to deliver a world of health, safety and possibility for every woman and every child.

“Let no mother have to grieve a lost child. Let every boy and every girl have the opportunity to know and enjoy their sisters and brothers. That world is possible. Now,” declared Mr. Ban in opening remarks to a summit on maternal, newborn and child health, “Saving Every Woman Every Child: Within Arms Reach.”

The UN chief delivered his call to action following a personal revelation that improving the health and well-being of women and children was an issue close to his heart because, when he was a boy, rather than being the eldest child in his family – as he is known – he was, in reality, the third child; his parents had lost another son and a daughter before he was born.


Right to be heard - To control lives - To access rights - Beyond poverty – Women

The Right to be Heard is about people claiming their right to a better life. Poor and marginalised people can gain control over their own lives by exercising their rights to political participation, freedom of expression and information, freedom of assembly and access to justice. Oxfam recognises that poverty is not just about obvious things like inadequate access to food, shelter and education. It is also about vulnerability, isolation, powerlessness, lack of information and restricted access to goods, services and knowledge.

Oxfam work is based on the belief that:

• All human lives are of equal value, and that everyone has fundamental rights that must be recognised and upheld at all times.

• People living in poverty should be agents of their own development and, with the right resources, support and training, can solve their own prob-lems.

• Development work needs to go beyond issues of material resources to consider and address the capacity, choices and power required for people living in poverty to enjoy all human rights.




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