Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Substantive equality & Reproductive rights

International human rights norms have recognized that reproductive rights are women’s rights, clarifying that violations of reproductive rights are primarily manifestations of discrimination, poverty, and violence. Where women’s rights to equality and non-discrimination are not fulfilled, women’s ability to access reproductive health services and make meaningful choices about their reproductive lives is limited. In addition, where women are unable to access reproductive health services, the inequalities and discrimination women face are exacerbated due to the differentiated impact that childbearing has on women’s health and lives, including in the spheres of education and employment. Gender inequalities create gender-specific barriers to the realization of women’s rights, including historical and systemic discrimination; gender stereotypes about women as mothers, caregivers, and child-bearers; and traditional and cultural beliefs about the role of women in society.The principle of substantive equality provides a framework by which to effectively recognize and address inequalities faced by women. At its core, substantive equality requires states to identify the root causes of discrimination, such as power structures and social and economic systems reinforced by gender stereotypes and socialized gender roles, which lead to inequalities. Substantive equality also requires states to acknowledge that people experience inequality differently not only because of who they are as individuals but also because of the groups to which they belong. Finally, substantive equality requires that states measure progress on addressing inequalities by looking at outcomes of results for al persons, including the most marginalized, and ensuring equality of results, which may require enacting practices and policies targeting particular marginalized groups.

Substantive equality and reproductive rights -  A briefing paper on aligning development goals with human rights obligations

Извор: WUNRN – 12.06.2014


Special Rapporteur on violence against women report to the un Human Rights Council 2014

The present report focuses broadly on developments in the United Nations regarding violence against women, its causes and consequences, over approximately 20 years. The objective is to provide a snapshot view of these developments, including the expanding conceptualization of the theme of violence against women, its causes and consequences. The analysis of continuing challenges is underpinned by the work of the mandate as identified through thematic reports, country missions and participation in conferences and meetings. Due to limitations on the length of documents, developments at the regional and national level are not addressed in this report.

Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Rashida Manjoo

Извор: WUNRN – 12.06.2014


The Donor Landscape for Access to Justice and Health

Evidence shows that increasing citizens' access to justice has a positive impact on public health, particularly the health of marginalized communities. 

A growing number of health donors address the social and rights-based determinants of health by funding health programs that incorporate access to justice strategies, including know-your-rights campaigns, legal empowerment, and strategic litigation. At the same time, human rights donors support access to justice strategies that address the right to health, but these donors rarely measure health outcomes. 

Despite significant programming and funding for health and access to justice from both sides, there has yet to emerge a clear priority to link these areas so that donors can mobilize and collaborate for leveraged impact.

This briefing paper captures the complex web of entry points through which health and human rights donors address the intersection of justice and health. It identifies the barriers to stronger linkages, especially in relation to reaching marginalized communities, and it suggests strategies for donors to build support for this work.

The Donor Landscape for Access to Justice and Health

Извор: Фондација Отворено Општество – 10.06.2014


Stop Targeting Hungarian NGOs!

Since its re-election, the Hungarian government launched a campaign attacking the credibility of Hungarian NGOs and strives to gain controlling power over their funding, currently distributed independently from the government. We believe that a dynamic and independent civil society plays a fundamental role in a democratic society, as it is one of the key checks and balances to governing power. As demonstrated by Putin’s Russia, the harassment of the civil sector could easily lead to the criminalization of NGOs and could effectively hinder their work. We stand in solidarity with the Hungarian NGOs and call on the Hungarian and all other governments to refrain from harassing civil society!



Дискриминаторска студиска програма на институтот за семејни студии по основ на род, сексуална ориентација, брачен статус и здравствен статус

Семејните студии се отвараат на Филозофскиот Факултет паралелно со ставањето во мирување на родовите студии, агресивни владини кампањи за традиционални семејни вредности, кампањи за трето дете, вознемирувачки владини кампањи против абортус и секако самото носење на новиот Закон за прекинување на бременоста со кој се ограничи пристапот до легален и безбеден абортус.

Судејќи според контекстот, отварањето на семејните студии и суспендирањето на родовите претставува индикатор дека најстариот универзитет - „Св.Кирил и Методиј„ ги поддржува владините конзервативни политики, иако улогата на Универзитетот е да гради автономна, современа и критична научна мисла.

Мрежата за заштита од дискриминација смета дека објавената програма на семејните студии е дискриминаторска по повеќе основи и тоа брачен и здравствен статус, сексуална ориентација и род. Уште во самата студиска програма, во описот на целите и содржините на некои од наставните предмети видливи се хомофобични ставови, истакнување на улогата на жената (но не и на мажот) во семејството и приватната сфера, третман на „хомосексуализмот“ и разводот на брак како социо-патолошки појави, нееднаков третман на хомосексуалноста и хетеросексуалноста, третирањето на зависноста од дроги како девијација, а не како здравствен проблем итн. Литературата која е задолжителна во два од наставите предмети (Развој на децата и адолесцентите во семејството и Развој на возрасните и стареење во семејството) е предмет на претставка пред Комисијата за заштита од дискриминација поради хомофобичните содржини, хетеросексизмот и пропагирањето на религиозни догми.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар