Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Substantive equality & Reproductive rights

International human rights norms have recognized that reproductive rights are women’s rights, clarifying that violations of reproductive rights are primarily manifestations of discrimination, poverty, and violence. Where women’s rights to equality and non-discrimination are not fulfilled, women’s ability to access reproductive health services and make meaningful choices about their reproductive lives is limited. In addition, where women are unable to access reproductive health services, the inequalities and discrimination women face are exacerbated due to the differentiated impact that childbearing has on women’s health and lives, including in the spheres of education and employment. Gender inequalities create gender-specific barriers to the realization of women’s rights, including historical and systemic discrimination; gender stereotypes about women as mothers, caregivers, and child-bearers; and traditional and cultural beliefs about the role of women in society.The principle of substantive equality provides a framework by which to effectively recognize and address inequalities faced by women. At its core, substantive equality requires states to identify the root causes of discrimination, such as power structures and social and economic systems reinforced by gender stereotypes and socialized gender roles, which lead to inequalities. Substantive equality also requires states to acknowledge that people experience inequality differently not only because of who they are as individuals but also because of the groups to which they belong. Finally, substantive equality requires that states measure progress on addressing inequalities by looking at outcomes of results for al persons, including the most marginalized, and ensuring equality of results, which may require enacting practices and policies targeting particular marginalized groups.

Substantive equality and reproductive rights -  A briefing paper on aligning development goals with human rights obligations

Извор: WUNRN – 12.06.2014




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