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EU - Pay transparency directive – a milestone in closing the gender pay gap?

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[Brussels, 19 March 2021] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomes the recently adopted legislative proposal on pay transparency by the European Commission, which has been long overdue. While there are many positive measures in the proposal including a definition of ‘work of equal value’, the EWL regrets that mandatory reporting on the gender pay gap only concerns companies with 250 workers, which excludes many sectors where women work, particularly in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs).

We welcome the measures to facilitate the right of workers to access information to assess whether they are being discriminated against in comparison with other workers in a similar position. The EWL particularly welcomes reference to the concept of ‘work of equal value’, which provides some clarity in order to define how this can be established within companies and especially across sectors. Furthermore, we welcome measures calling for ‘gender neutral objective criteria’ to compare and determine the value of work. It is crucial that this includes people-related skills and responsibilities in establishing this criteria and ultimately in the transposition of the directive.


Men Managers Get More Actionable Feedback than Do Women - Harvard Research

Harvard Business Review  Full Article


Research: Men Managers Get More Actionable Feedback Than Do Women

Elena Doldor,  Madeleine Wyatt,  and  Jo Silvester

February 10, 2021

Audrey Shtecinjo/Stocksy


One of the most important ways managers can support aspiring leaders is though developmental feedback; that is, feedback focused on growth opportunities. However, not all developmental feedback is created equal. New research based on a computerized analysis of more than 1,000 pieces of written feedback identified four key ways in which feedback given to women tends to be less actionable and less effective than that given to men: Developmental feedback for female employees tends to focus on delivery rather than vision, coping with politics rather than leveraging politics, and collaboration rather than assertiveness. It also tends to present a lack of confidence as a fundamental shortcoming, rather than a specific skill that can be developed. Based on these disparities, the authors offer several strategies for managers to overcome their own (often unconscious) gender biases and help both their male and female reports achieve their leadership potential.


UN Committee issues recommendations to protect children’s rights in digital environment

GENEVA (24 March 2021) — The Child Rights Committee today published its legal guidance note on how States should protect children’s rights with regard to the digital environment.

The guidance note, also known as general comment, is the result of a two-year consultation with States parties, inter-governmental organizations, civil society, national human rights institutions and children. Over 700 children and young people, aged between nine and 22 years old in 27 countries, were asked how digital technology impacts their rights, and what actions they want to see taken to protect them.


Drug use among older persons a ‘hidden epidemic’, narcotics experts warn

Unsplash/Cristian Newman

An increasing number of older people are suffering from substance abuse.

25 March 2021

Drug use among older people globally has risen in recent years and countries must act to address this “hidden epidemic”, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) said in its annual report, issued on Thursday.

The independent expert body also highlighted the negative impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the global supply of medicines, and on the well-being of people with mental health and substance abuse disorders.




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