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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Why We Must Overhaul the Funding of Social Movements

Social movements join forces and march against police brutality. Florianópolis, Brasil - Image: Vitor Marinho

To adequately respond to the ongoing crisis of democracy, we must support care and protection strategies for activists.

January 21, 2021 - Last year exposed the structural flaws of the multiple systems that hold our societies together. We witnessed broken health systems, crumbling democracies, increased repression, attacks on human rights defenders, the criminalization of movements and the pervasive violence that continues to proliferate across the globe.

As we enter 2021, we honor the lives of essential workers and health workers – as well as the many activists on the frontlines of movements defending land rights, natural resources, the right to have an abortion, workers’ rights, freedom of expression, sexual rights and gender expression, and many others.

We also honor and grieve the deaths of women activists who have been targeted for their activism and those who we have lost to suicide and chronic illness. We funders must now consider whether we are truly supporting the sustainability of movements and the safety of activists. To do so, we must analyze the context in which activists operate – by listening to those on the ground with first-hand knowledge of their needs and challenges.


UN Human Rights Council Provides Blueprint for States to Ensure that Human Rights Are Credible, Accessible & Effective

02, 2021 - For many rights holders, victims and activists, the UN Human Rights Council provides the last or only opportunity to get international attention and support for their vital work towards a world that’s more fair, equal and sustainable. We need the Council to continue being credible, effective and accessible to everyone. This is only possible if States demonstrate leadership, take principled action, ensure that Council members live up to their responsibilities and expectations, and fully cooperate with the Council’s mechanisms.

The rights-based criteria, which over 70 States from all regions have committed to applying on whether a situation merits the Council’s attention, includes several criteria relating to the situation of human rights defenders and cooperation with the Council, its mechanisms, OHCHR and treaty bodies. Acts of intimidation and reprisals are the most flagrant type of non-cooperation. States should continue to demonstrate leadership, principled action and sustained follow through when the objective criteria are met, paying particular attention to attacks or restrictions against human rights defenders as an early warning sign of more widespread and systematic violations.


Women's Property Rights Are the Key to Economic Development


Women, Business & The Law – World Bank – 79 Pages:



“Land belongs to the man, the produce in it to the woman!!!” All over the world, women farm land to both feed their families and make a living – yet they have no say in how it is managed. This common African saying perfectly embodies women’s struggle to own and inherit property throughout history. 

It rings especially true for Helene Tiro, a woman living in the small village of Guinkin, Côte d'Ivoire. For more than 20 years, Helene lived on and cultivated the land that provided for her, her husband, and their seven children. But when her husband was killed after election violence in 2011, everything changed. In accordance with custom, their property was given to his extended family, leaving her with no place to go and no food for her children. She had no legal recourse either, as women in Côte d'Ivoire did not have equal rights to immovable property or equal administrative authority over assets during marriage. 


#StandUp4Migrants UN Campaign




Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Migration | Stand up for human rights | UN Human Rights (standup4humanrights.org)



We believe there is an urgent need to question and change the way we speak about migrants and migration.

When migrants are portrayed in a negative light, their human rights are heavily impacted. They are discriminated, excluded and dehumanised. Communities also become divided.

How we speak about migrants and migration – the narrative – therefore plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing equality and the human rights of migrants.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

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