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COVID-19 Drives Wages Down, Especially for Women - ILO Report


Global Wage Report 2020-21: COVID-19 drives wages down, new ILO report finds

ILO – International Labour Organization Global Wage Report 2020-2021

Global Wage Report 2020-21: COVID-19 drives wages down, new ILO report finds

Even before the COVID pandemic hit, hundreds of millions of workers worldwide were being paid less than the minimum wage.

2 December 2020 - A new report by the International Labour Organization (ILO) has found that monthly wages fell or grew more slowly in the first six months of 2020, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic , in two-thirds of countries for which official data was available, and that the crisis is likely to inflict massive downward pressure on wages in the near future.

The wages of women and low-paid workers have been disproportionately affected by the crisis.


COVID Has Created a Global Education Emergency, Especially for Girls


By Abigail Hess – January 5 2021

One year after the first cases of coronavirus were reported, communities around the world are still struggling and continuing to measure the toll that the virus has taken. 

Henrietta Fore, executive director of UNICEF says that her organization is observing a “global education emergency.”

During the height of the pandemic “we had 1.6 billion children out of school,” Fore tells CNBC Make It. “Now, that number has fallen to maybe a quarter of a billion but we have a great number of children who do not have access to remote or distance learning. Remote learning used to be a nice-to-have. Now, it is a must-have.”

She fears that “many girls will never return to school” in communities where girls are expected to take care of family members and estimates that one out of every three children worldwide currently does not have access to in-person or remote learning — a startling statistic that has significant short and long-term ramifications.




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