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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








2021 World Population Report: My Body Is My Own

2021 State of World Population

Direct Link to Full 164-Page 2021 Report:

SoWP2021_Report_-_EN_web.3.21_0.pdf (unfpa.org)

The 2021 report highlights why bodily autonomy is a universal human right that must be respected and reveals the severity in which it is undermined, violated and denied. “Our communities and countries can flourish only when every individual has the power to make decisions about their bodies and to chart their own futures,” said UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem.


A Data-Driven Path Toward Gender Equality


March 15, 2021 - By now, we’ve seen from data that exists across the world, women have been harder-hit economically by the COVID-19 pandemic than men. In the US, 2.2 million fewer women were in the workforce in September 2020 than the year before. The force behind this data essentially boils down to the fact that, before the pandemic, women were already doing disproportionately more unpaid labor. While this reality was maybe well-known or felt, it wasn’t easy to see or comprehend when the data wasn’t measurable. But with COVID-19, unpaid labor swelled, wiping women out of the workforce at rates much much higher than men. Suddenly, we had tangible data on an issue that had been lying beneath the surface for decades. 

For as long as Tableau Foundation has existed, we’ve invested in partners like Equal Measures 2030 and The ONE Campaign that focus on eradicating gender-based inequalities around the world, and use data to advocate for progress. The pandemic exacerbated many pre-existing inequities for women and girls around the world, creating even more urgency around this work, and put a spotlight on using data to understand these inequities—and the need for more data to understand them.


COVID & Pregnancy Guidelines

Are pregnant women at higher risk from COVID-19?

Pregnant women or recently pregnant women who are  older, overweight, and have pre-existing medical conditions such as hypertension and diabetes seem to have an increased  risk of developing severe COVID-19. When pregnant women develop severe disease, they also seem to more often require care in intensive care units than non-pregnant women of reproductive age.

Due to changes in their bodies and immune systems, we know that pregnant women can be badly affected by some respiratory infections. It is therefore important that they take precautions to protect themselves against COVID-19, and report possible symptoms (including fever, cough or difficulty in breathing) to their healthcare provider.

WHO will continue to review and update its information and advice as more evidence becomes available.




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