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Nonprofit Diversity Practices - Survey Report

Direct Link to Full 56-Page Survey Report:

Published-2019-Nonprofit-Diversity-Practices-Report.pdf (nonprofithr.com)

May Be Required

Извор: WUNRN – 21.05.2021

STEMMing the Tide of Women’s Career Progress

By: Rosalind C. Barnett and Caryl Rivers           

Women and girls weren’t doing very well in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine) before the Covid 19 pandemic. Despite accounting for over half of the college-educated workforce, women in the United States made up only 29% of those employed in science and engineering occupations in 2017. Further, a 2018 report from Microsoft found that girls and young women were still less likely than boys to imagine or pursue careers in STEMM.

            But now comes the really bad news. A new National Academies of Sciences study finds that the pandemic may “roll back” women’s gains in STEMMResearchers concluded that although women had been making some gains in the past few years, “these trends have been hindered as difficulties with remote work and increased caregiving responsibilities have piled up during the pandemic.” One associate professor quoted in the report said, “I am on the verge of a breakdown. I have three children doing virtual school full time who need my attention throughout the day. . . . I try to wake up before them and work after they sleep, but this is hard given they wake up at 7am for school and don’t go to bed early.”


COVID-19 Among Indigenous Peoples, One Year into the Pandemic: Data, Variants, & Vaccines - Gender

COVID-19 among Indigenous Peoples, One Year into the Pandemic: Data, Variants, and Vaccines  | Cultural Survival

By Jess Cherofsky and Bia'ni Madsa' Juárez López (CS STAFF) 

March 29, 2021 - More than a year has passed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in upheaval to peoples’ lives globally. More than 2.7 million people have died and the global economic crisis has deepened. Indigenous Peoples have faced challenges based on their diverse situations and experiences. Subsequent waves of infections have been worse than the first in some Indigenous communities in terms of the number of deaths, and while it still has not been possible to account for all of the impacts over the first year, other issues continue to be added to the list of priorities to understand the course of the pandemic: new COVID-19 variants, reinfection, immunity, vaccines, and other data related to SARS-CoV-2. In this article, we will offer an overview of these issues framed through case studies of Indigenous Peoples around the world. 


Careers have no gender, connect girls to tech, for a brighter future UN urges

ITU/R. Farrell

‘Careers have no gender’, connect girls to tech, for a brighter future UN urges  | | UN News

The UN says, globally, 17 percent more men and boys have access to the internet compared to women and girls.

22 April 2021- Despite information and communication technology playing such a key role throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN chief said that half the world remains offline, in his message marking International Girls in ICT Day, on Thursday – most of whom are women and girls in developing countries.

According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) data, there is a 17 per cent gender gap in Internet use globally, which is even wider in least developed countries.  

In some regions, this gender gap is growing, reinforcing gender inequalities by denying women and girls opportunities to access education, find better-paid jobs, and start new businesses. 


Violence Against Women During COVID-19 - One Year On and 100 Papers – Research

SVRI Update 15 April 2021 

Violence Against Women and Children During COVID-19 - One Year On and 100 Papers In: A Fourth Research Round Up - Center For Global Development  - cgdev.org - 10 pages

Bourgault, S., Peterman, A., O'Donnell, M. (2021). Violence against women and children during COVID-19 – one year on and 100 papers in: A fourth research round up: In this paper, the authors take stock of an increasingly diverse set of new studies linking violence against women and children to COVID-19 and associated pandemic response measures. [Source: Center for Global Development].

vawc-fourth-roundup.pdf (cgdev.org)

Извор: WUNRN – 25.04.2021





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