Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








EU - Gender-Sensitive Communication Toolkit

EIGE – European Institute for Gender Equality

 Direct Link to Full 65-Page EIGE Gender-Sensitive Communication Toolkit:


 WUNRN invites you to visit and engage with WUNRN Europe Twitter at: https://twitter.com/wunrn_eu

 Извор: WUNRN – 22.06.2021

Making Decent Work a Reality for Domestic Workers

ILO – International Labour Organization

Direct Link to Full 341-Page ILO Report:

wcms_802551.pdf (ilo.org)

Извор: WUNRN – 17.06.2021




Discouraging the Demand that Fosters Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation - OSCE


OSCE - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Discouraging the demand that fosters trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation | OSCE

Direct Link to Full 88-Page Publication:

489388_0.pdf (osce.org)

WUNRN invites you to visit and engage with WUNRN Europe Twitter at: https://twitter.com/wunrn_eu

This Paper highlights the importance of addressing the demand that fosters trafficking for sexual exploitation, in particular the exploitation of the prostitution of others. In doing so, it puts a spotlight on the role of demand in encouraging exploitation and causing harm to victims; outlines the scope of the international obligations and commitments of States to discourage demand; analyses the ways in which States have responded to these obligations and commitments in their criminal justice and prevention practices; and offers recommendations on how to better incorporate demand into national efforts. The primary aim of the paper is to support and enhance the implementation of State-led responses to demand.

Извор: WUNRN – 16.06.2021




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