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Can a Resurgence in Labor Unions Help Working Women?

By John Budd | March 8, 2021

John Budd is a professor of work and organizations at the University of Minnesota.

First came the wave of teacher strikes led by women fighting the devaluing of their work, then Google employees walked out in protest of its handling of sexual harassment and (later) formed the Alphabet Workers Union, and now racial justice is a central theme as Amazon warehouse workers in Alabama vote on whether to unionize. In between have been innumerable other actions of protest, solidarity, and collective action spurred by concerns with racial justice, the she-cession and other pandemic-induced inequalities, and feelings of powerlessness. 

Despite numerous obstacles, this newfound energy could lead to increased unionization. The prospects of a resurgence in labor unions would be dramatically magnified if Congress passes the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. The PRO Act brings together pieces of failed legislation over the past three decades and would drastically re-shape labor law by removing numerous employer advantages over unions and workers, making it easier for workers to form unions and giving them greater bargaining power.


Women, Business & The Law 2021 - World Bank

Direct Link to Full 134-Page World Bank Report:

Women, Business and the Law 2021 (worldbank.org)

Despite progress, discriminatory laws across the world continue to threaten not only women’s fundamental human rights, but also their economic security. Barriers to employment and entrepreneurship at every stage of life limit equality of opportunity, failing to adequately support working women. Women face these challenges in even the most developed economies. Worldwide they have, on average, just three-quarters of the rights of men. Governments must take urgent action to close this gap or risk worsening the effects of the pandemic. By presenting a data set and an index highlighting opportunities for reform, Women, Business and the Law 2021 is an important tool in the pursuit of women’s economic empowerment. The seventh in a series, this study examines progress toward gender equality by measuring the laws and regulations that restrict women’s economic inclusion in 190 economies. It also presents compelling findings on gender-sensitive government responses to COVID-19, as well as pilot research on both childcare and enhancing women’s access to justice (box 1.1).

Извор: WUNRN – 06.08.2021


Trafficking in Human Beings & Terrorism: Where & How They Intersect

OSCE – Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe

"Trafficking in Human Beings and Terrorism: Where and how they intersect" examines exploitative activities of terrorist groups through a human trafficking lens, and it analyzes a number of potential examples of trafficking conducted by terrorist groups. It also shows how existing anti-trafficking instruments can be leveraged to address trafficking practices by terrorist groups, and it provides insights into how to prevent trafficking of vulnerable adults and children targeted by terrorist group

Direct Link to Full 72-Page Publication: CTHB_NexusTerrorism_210708.indd (osce.org)

Извор: WUNRN – 10.07.2021


Global Feminist Economic & Climate Justice: A Feminist Agenda for People & Planet

Direct Link to Full 39-Page Publication:

Blueprint_A-Feminist-Agenda-for-People-and-Planet.pdf (wedo.org)

It will strengthen a joint strategy that promotes systemic economic change through much needed dialogues and exchanges between unique and diverse partners, and between a range of diverse and yet interconnected issues. Interconnectedness between these issues and the movements that champion them is essential to achieve global feminist economic and climate justice. 

Извор: WUNRN – 08.08.2021




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