Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Time to debunk myths and prejudices about Roma migrants in Europe

“Political and media debates on Roma migration have become recurrent in several European countries.  Since the eastward expansion of the European Union in 2004 and 2007, and the lifting of employment restrictions regarding Romanian and Bulgarian citizens in a number of EU member states in 2014, fears of Roma migration have often triggered uninformed and inflammatory discourse”, says Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, in his latest Human Rights Comment published today.

No “invasion” by Roma

Media in the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and other countries have often put forward unfounded figures about actual or potential arrivals of Roma. However, I found out that in some places, the number of Roma migrants has remained stable over the years.


Children are holders of rights, in their own right

Secretary General Jagland comments “What next?” for child rights and the law

Secretary General Jagland has said that children’s rights remain high on the Council of Europe’s agenda. “We still cannot say that children are treated as full-fledged holders of rights–meaning all their rights, by all governments, by all adults, at all times, and in all settings,” he said, “But that is what we must continue to work towards.”

Thorbjørn Jagland was speaking to the annual study session "Children and International Human Rights Law" held at the Institut International des Droits de l'Homme in Strasbourg.

Извор: Совет на Европа – 06.07.2015

Combatting discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity

New online database of good practices and policies

Hate crime and violence against lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgender people are among the most persistent human rights challenges, with homophobic and transphobic incidents still a sad reality in Europe. To respond to these violations of fundamental human rights, the Council of Europe helps its members put in place a sound legal and policy framework, based on best international practices.

An online database on “Good practices and promising policies on combatting discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity” has just been launched by the Council of Europe, presenting long-term, impact-oriented policies and projects that have proved efficient and can be transferred to other countries and regions. The database aims to support policy makers in implementing new policy initiatives at national, regional and local levels. It includes examples of National Action Plans for the promotion and protection of the Human Rights of LGBT people, local and national policies and examples of good practices from non-European countries.


Financing: Why It Matters for Women & Girls

UN Photo/Christopher Herwig

The Issue

From letting women have a say in where village water holes are built, to ensuring cash-transfer programmes benefit all, to making sure women have maternal health clinics nearby and can access them when the need arises ­– financing for gender equality is the means to ensure that women’s needs are met in development planning.

Financing for development is about money. For development to reach people in all parts of the world, adequate financing is required so that commitments made by world leaders translate into action. For funds to benefit everyone equally and equitably, targeted efforts are often needed. For example, if women don’t have access to safe transportation or low-cost childcare, few will be able to take advantage of important social or vocational programmes.

But inclusive development isn’t cheap, and project planning and financing often neglects the specific needs of women. For decades, there has been chronic underinvestment in women’s empowerment, which has hampered progress on women’s rights and gender equality.

To disrupt the status quo, and ensure that financing for gender equality doesn’t get sidelined at the “Third International Conference on Financing for Development” in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 13-16 July 2015, UN Women is focusing on this historic opportunity to endorse comprehensive global financing for women everywhere.




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