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Statement by Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and UN Women Executive Director, on the financing for development outcome document following the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13-16 July


Statement by Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and UN Women Executive Director, on the financing for development outcome document following the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13-16 July 2015.

23 July 2013 - This week, as we turn from the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, and move our sights to the negotiation of the post-2015 sustainable development agenda, let us keep the end game in view.

The Action Agenda makes a strong political commitment to “ensure gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment” in the context of setting a global framework for financing of development post-2015. It reaffirms at the outset that the full realization of women's human rights, gender equality and women's empowerment are essential to achieving sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development. It includes as priorities for investment positive elements, including strengthened laws, policies and measures, and their implementation in relation to gender equality and women’s empowerment; the reiteration of the need for gender mainstreaming into all policies, and targeted transformative actions and investments for the promotion of gender equality at all levels. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda also importantly commits to realizing the equal rights of women in political and economic decision-making and leadership, and equal rights to economic resources.

In addition to the undertaking to bring resources — public and private, domestic and international, conventional and innovative — to aspects that are currently missing or insufficient — for example, the promotion of women’s access to science, technology, innovation and capacity building — there is also useful commitment to remove current barriers. For example, to remove constraints to women’s full participation in the economy, ensure equal access to financial services and financial literacy, to decent work, as well as to education and to infrastructure, including for water, sanitation or fuel, which frees up women’s time and energy.

None of these gains would have been possible without the relentless advocacy of women’s groups that have also given high visibility to gender equality issues at the conference itself while advocating for systemic changes in the financial and economic architecture.

The Action Agenda in many significant ways builds upon commitments made in the Political Declaration adopted by Member States at the 59th Commission on the Status of Women in March 2015 focusing on the 20-year review and appraisal of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. In the Declaration, Member States explicitly recognized the persistent gender funding gaps and pledged to take concrete action, including through “significantly increased investment to close the resource gaps”.  UN Women hopes that this commitment will be carried forward in the post-2015 development agenda.

We share the vision of the women’s movement and civil society of a global economic and financial architecture that is inclusive and generates enhanced resources in scale, scope and quality, for gender equality and women’s empowerment. Addressing structural issues that continue to have a significant long-term detrimental impact on women and girls should remain an important objective at the center of this vision.

As we move forward into the next stage of the continuum that leads to the Summit on sustainable development in September, we will seek opportunities to win traction for, and achieve, the deep changes in the global financial architecture that will ultimately result in true financing for development, and the realization of sustainable development goals. We will continue to work with civil society, our constant partners, whose strong contribution has been invaluable from the inception of the Addis process.

The Action Plan for Transformative Financing for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, which was launched by UN Women and partners in Addis Ababa, is intended to support the process that began with commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and to generate new commitments in the context of the post-2015 development agenda and the climate change agreement later this year.

As Member States engage in the final negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda through the days ahead, we call on all stakeholders — governments, international financial institutions, regional development banks, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, the private sector, and others in an accelerated way — to work in solidarity to support the transformative goals we need to achieve our joint vision of a planet that is equal for women, men, girls and boys by 2030.




FEARLESS: Standing with Women & Girls to End Violence

After decades of international agreements and commitments, violence against women and girls (VAWG) remains a daily reality everywhere in the world. Women and girls face the possibility of violence in the home, on the street, at school and at work.

For many, violence and poverty reinforce each other, undermining women’s potential to realise economic opportunities. Courageous women and girls speak out and demand change, sometimes risking their lives in doing so.

But their opportunities for resistance are constrained by shrinking civil society space, widening inequalities and rising religious fundamentalisms – alarming global threats that hit women and girls hardest.



Source: WUNRN, 24.07.2015

Комитетот на Обединетите нации за човекови права ги објави Заклучните согледувања по разгледувањето на 3-от периодичен извештај на РМ по Пактот за граѓански и политички права, ОН,

На 114 сесија на Комитетот на ОН за човекови права одржана во периодот 29 јуни-24 јули, 2015 година РМ зивестуваше по однос на својот трет периодичен извештај. По разгледувањето на извештајот Комитетот ги објави следните Заклучни согледувања: повеќе...

Извор: ОН, 23.07.2015 година

UN Women Evaluation Handbook: How to Manage Gender-Responsive Evaluation


This Evaluation Handbook is a practical handbook to help those initiating, managing and/or using gender-responsive evaluations by providing direction, advice and tools for every step in the evaluation process: planning, preparation, conduct, reporting, evaluation use and follow up. The primary audience is UN Women staff who manage evaluations or are involved in evaluation processes. However, it may also be useful to international development evaluators and professionals, particularly those working on gender equality, women's empowerment and human rights.

The purpose for providing this resource on the Gender Equality Evaluation Portal is to enable the linkage of theory with practice.  The Portal contains over 400 evaluations that are focused on gender equality and women’s empowerment providing a space for sharing and learning from gender equality focused and gender-responsive evaluation. 

We hope to see a growing database of evaluations that employ gender-responsive methods and encourage you to share your evaluations by clicking ‘join’ at the top of the page. The website also facilitates engagement in discussion on gender-responsive evaluation through links to popular social media outlets. 

More: UN Women Evaluation Handbook 

Source: WUNRN, 24.07.2015




The Americas Becomes First Region in the World to Have an Instrument for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Older Persons


The member states of the Organization of American States (OAS) today approved the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons during the General Assembly of the institution, which was immediately signed by the governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and Uruguay at OAS headquarters in Washington DC.

The purpose of the Convention -the first regional instrument of its kind in the world-, is to promote, protect and ensure the recognition and the full enjoyment and exercise, on an equal basis, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of older persons, in order to contribute to their full inclusion, integration and participation in society. The starting point of the Convention is the recognition that all existing human rights and fundamental freedoms apply to older people, and that they should fully enjoy them on an equal basis with other segments of the population.

"This is a very important step for everyone. Our slogan of 'More rights for more people' is fully in the logic of the Convention, which reaffirms the hemispheric dimension of our work, in this case the commitment to ensure the full enjoyment of the rights of older people, taking into account their needs and specific requirements," said Secretary General Luis Almagro during the signing of the document, which urges States to adopt "legislative or other measures" that are necessary to give effect to the rights and freedoms of older adults, including awareness campaigns.

At present, people aged 60 or older in the Americas represent 14 percent of the hemisphere's population (over 135 million). By 2030, nearly two in five people will be 60 or older, and in total there will be more than 215 million older people in the Americas. The Convention will strengthen the legal obligations to respect, promote and ensure the human rights of older persons. Its ratification will carry the obligation of States parties to adopt measures to guarantee a differentiated and preferential treatment to older persons in all spheres.

For the Convention to enter into force it is necessary that at least two signatory countries have ratified it.

Source: Organization of American States







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