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Владата го усвои ребалансот на Буџетот за 2015 година

Скопје, 16 јули 2015 (МИА) - Владата на Република Македонија на денешната седница го усвои ребалансот на Буџетот за 2015 година.

Како што информира вицепремиерот и министер за финансии Зоран Ставрески на денешната прес-конференција во Владата, се работи за измена која не е голема по обем и која вклучува поместување на позициите таму каде политиките, мерките и проектите на Владата го налагаат тоа без да ги измести основните макроекономски параметри.

- Ребалансот не вклучува кратење на буџетите на ни еден  буџетски корисник, туку претставува поместување  на одредени позиции таму кадешто поради одредени политики, мерки и активности треба да се додадат средства или кадешто проектите се одвиваат подобро од што првично сме планирале. Појдовните претпоставки за изработка на ребалансот вклучуваат и ревидирање на проекциите за БДП и за движењето на приходната и расходната страна, рече Ставрески, нагласувајќи дека БДП за 2015 година е ревидиран на 3,5 процентен раст, а буџетскиот дефицит ќе изнесува 3,6 проценти од БДП.


Financing for Development International Conference - Outcome Document 2015 + Women's Working Group Reaction & Disappointment


The Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development (WWG on FfD) expresses its strong disappointment with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda adopted at the conclusion of the Third Financing for Development Conference that took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13 to 16 July 2015.

For feminists and women’s rights organizations, the Outcome document of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development: Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) fails to remove the global obstacles to development and to shift the balance of power in the international financial architecture in order to address systemic issues and create the conditions to respect, protect and fulfill human rights, in particular women’s rights. It fails also to acknowledge the macro-economic dimension of the unpaid domestic and care work and the need to reduce and redistribute it among the State, private sector, communities, families, men and women.


Progress of the World's Women 2015-2016: Transforming Economies, Realizing Rights

Progress of the World’s Women 2015-2016: Transforming Economies, Realizing Rights, UN Women’s flagship report, shows that, all too often, women’s economic and social rights are held back, because they are forced to fit into a ‘man’s world’. But, it is possible to move beyond the status quo, to picture a world where economies are built with women’s rights at their heart.

It is being published as the international community comes together to define a transformative post-2015 development agenda, and coincides with the 20th anniversary commemoration of the landmark Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China which set out a comprehensive agenda to advance gender equality.

Since Beijing, significant progress has been made, particularly in advancing women’s legal rights. However, as Progress shows, in an era of unprecedented global wealth, millions of women are trapped in low paid, poor quality jobs, denied even basic levels of health care, and water and sanitation. Women still carry the burden of unpaid care work, which austerity policies and cut-backs have only intensified. To build fairer, more sustainable economies which work for women and men, more of the same will not do.


Gender Equality & Human Rights

Authors/Editors: Sandra Fredman & Beth Goldblatt

The achievement of substantive equality is understood as having four dimensions: redressing disadvantage; countering stigma, prejudice, humiliation and violence; transforming social and institutional structures; and facilitating political participation and social inclusion.

The paper shows that, although not articulated in this way, these dimensions are clearly visible in the application by the various interpretive bodies of the principles of equality to the enjoyment of treaty rights. At the same time, it shows that there are important ways in which these bodies could go further, both in articulating the goals of substantive equality and in applying them when assessing compliance by States with international obligations of equality. The substantive equality approach, in its four-dimensional form, provides an evaluative tool with which to assess policy in relation to the right to gender equality.


Initiative for a CEDAW Committee General Recommendation on Indigenous Women

The Women’s Human Rights Education Institute is very pleased to play a supportive role to the “Alianza de Mujeres Indígenas para la CEDAW” (the Indigenous Women’s Alliance for CEDAW) in their global campaign to call on the CEDAW Committee to adopt a new General Recommendation on Indigenous Women that will help to:

  • further visibilize the intersectional discrimination experienced by indigenous women around the world

  • broaden and expand the understanding of women’s human rights at the international level

  • support more effective mechanisms for holding states accountable for ongoing colonial and racist violence against indigenous women.

How Can You Get Involved?

  1. Please sign and share our global petition on Avaaz in support of the General Recommendation: www.learnwhr.org/petition

  2. Read the draft recommendations created by the Indigenous Women’s Alliance for CEDAW (download below) to be submitted to the CEDAW Committee and:

  3. Write a letter of support to be submitted to the CEDAW Committee, signed by your organization or coalition of organizations

  4. Send your comments and feedback to the Alliance for incorporation into the document

  5. Share this initiative with your networks




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