Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Предлог за измени и дополнувања на законот за буџетите

Европската комисија во својот последен извештај за напредокот на Република Македонија, како најголеми проблеми во доменот на економската политика ги наведува влошувањето на квалитетот на трошењето на народните пари од страна на актуелната власт и неговиот придружен елемент, растот на јавниот долг. Оттаму, една од клучните препораки е значајно зголемување на фискалната транспарентност, како еден од најважните алатки за подобрување на начинот на трошење на народните пари.

Недоволната буџетска транспарентност, некомплетните информации ги прави  институциите во Македонија екстрактивни. Првиот чекор во рушењето на екстрактивните институции е фискалната транспарентност.

Фискалната транспарентност е еден од најважните елементи за ефективно управување со јавните финансии. Таа е клучна во градењето на доверба на јавноста во работењето на јавните институции и придонесува за одржливост во спроведувањето на јавните политики. Транспарентноста, исто така претставува прозорец кон буџетското работење на државата, помагајќи ѝ на јавноста да ја повикa власта на одговорност.


Cut 8 Days of Military Spending to Pay for Universal Education: Malala - Education for Girls

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai speaks at the Oslo Summit on Education for Development at Oslo Plaza in Oslo, Norway, on July, 7, 2015. – AFP

OSLO – July 7, 2015: Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai on Tuesday urged world leaders to cut “eight days of military spending” to give all children access to 12 years of free education.

About $39 billion (35 billion euros) would be needed each year to fund the schooling, according to an estimate from the laureate's non-profit group – the Malala Fund.

“It may appear as a huge number but the reality is it is not much at all,” Malala said at a UN education summit in Oslo, as she returned to the city for the first time since picking up the Peace Prize with child rights activist Kailash Satyarthi in December last year.


Women - Food Security - Gender Equality - Peace-Building

By Lois A. Herman, Coordinator WUNRN – Women’s UN Report Network

Food is a basic human right, guaranteed  by international law instruments.  States reaffirm the obligations they have assumed in the International Humanitarian Law, as parties to the 1949 Geneva Conventions and/or the Additional Protocols, thereof with respect to the humanitarian needs of the civilian population, including their access to food in situations of armed conflict and occupation.

Though this complex and volatile world has daily news on conflict and war, on destruction, on refugees, displaced persons, trauma and tragedies, there has NOT been significant attention to the more covert and yet exceedingly serious dimensions of women and girls and food security in those unpleasant situations.

How does it feel to realize that militants are near, to grab your children and run, leaving your home, your land, your life treasures, and run, not knowing where you will go, if you and your children will be safe, and how you will have enough food to survive.  You may have been a food producer yourself, but you run, desperately, with only those near and dear to you.  Yet, who gets left behind- the elderly, the sick, the disabled, and how will they be fed?


Serbia - Position of Human Trafficking Victims in Court Proceedings - Analysis

Presenting the main findings and observations with regard to the position and rights of victims in court proceedings in comparison to the minimum standards provided by international documents, with adequate recommendations, the analysis seeks to highlight the challenges in judicial practice in this area which may be resulting from shortcomings of domestic legislation or inconsistent enforcement of the law in criminal proceedings or civil proceedings in compensation cases. Continuous monitoring of court practice from the point of view of the position of victims in the proceedings enables not only the assessment of harmonization of domestic legal norms with international standards in this area, but also consistency in the enforcement of the existing legislation in practice, the uniformity of the case law as well as the impact of education programs organized so far for judicial professionals on proper understanding of the position of victims of this serious crime in court proceedings.

Direct Link to Full Document


Извор: WUNRN - 16.09.2015

The Open Budget Survey 2015: Findings

“With the amount of funds likely to be mobilized through the new international development goals alone, and potentially through climate change agreements, the world has an unprecedented opportunity to address poverty, inequality, and other global challenges—but this will only happen if these resources are managed transparently and accountably.”Warren Krafchik, IBP Executive Director

Ninety-eight of 102 countries surveyed lack adequate systems for ensuring that public funds are used efficiently and effectively. Each of these 98 fall short on at least one of the key pillars of budget accountability: budget transparency, public participation, and formal oversight. Thirty-two countries fall short across all three pillars

“The public needs access to budget information and opportunities to participate throughout the budget process. Coupled with oversight by legislatures and audit institutions this contributes to a more accountable use of public money,” said Warren Krafchik. “A growing body of evidence indicates such budgetary checks and balances yield better outcomes for people, especially those who are poor or vulnerable.” Read more >>

Извор: IBP




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

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