Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Women - Food Security - Gender Equality - Peace-Building

By Lois A. Herman, Coordinator WUNRN – Women’s UN Report Network

Food is a basic human right, guaranteed  by international law instruments.  States reaffirm the obligations they have assumed in the International Humanitarian Law, as parties to the 1949 Geneva Conventions and/or the Additional Protocols, thereof with respect to the humanitarian needs of the civilian population, including their access to food in situations of armed conflict and occupation.

Though this complex and volatile world has daily news on conflict and war, on destruction, on refugees, displaced persons, trauma and tragedies, there has NOT been significant attention to the more covert and yet exceedingly serious dimensions of women and girls and food security in those unpleasant situations.

How does it feel to realize that militants are near, to grab your children and run, leaving your home, your land, your life treasures, and run, not knowing where you will go, if you and your children will be safe, and how you will have enough food to survive.  You may have been a food producer yourself, but you run, desperately, with only those near and dear to you.  Yet, who gets left behind- the elderly, the sick, the disabled, and how will they be fed?

And, for those girls, those children who have to escape conflict alone – for every hungry child in a conflict situation, there is a hungry mother, hopefully alive, in deep despair that she cannot provide adequate food for her children in these fearful times.  And, for herself, maybe she is nursing a young baby and her milk dries up and her baby is starving.

These are the stories every-day  that are real as women around the world struggle and survive from crises of war and conflict.

Another dimension to contend with  is the lack of adequate food that is the reason for conflict.  The Executive Director of the World Food Programme stated on international media that most of the wars in recent history have originated over issues of food and water.

There is a high number of conflict displaced women and children,  undocumented and invisible, that do not benefit  from protection and food security/aid.

There are challenging gaps in provision, distribution and protection of food before, during and after conflict and war

The right to food is elusive in conflict, when it may well be exceedingly difficult to find food, and realizing the extreme poverty situation that may prevent the possibility to purchase, much more to obtain food.  In some conflict locations, there may be vandalism and even safety damage to usual food supplies.

Some women escaping conflict may reach refugee camps and get registered and have basic aid and food supplies provided.  Others, remain displaced, not recorded, not able to reach safety with family or friends.  These women may become desperate, and compromise values  to even barter sex for food  or marry off a young daughter so she will have enough to eat.

The dynamics of Women – Food Security – Food Sovereignty – Gender Equality & Peace-Building are exceedingly important in today’s world.



Mama, I'm hungry
My tummy hurts, also at night,
My hair and skin are now so dry.
I am only 8 years old.

My baby brother cries.
He is hungry, too.
You say your milk has stopped. 
You need food and safe water.

Daddy died some months ago.
He was killed in this strange war.
He tried to defend our home,
He tried to buy food for us.

You say I can't go to school.
Because of this conflict, war.
I want to be a teacher.
I am so tired, so very hungry.

Men in this refugee camp stare

They offer me food, candy.

They are rude. I am afraid.

But I am so hungry, Mama.

You married off my big sister

Now one less mouth to feed here.

But I know she's not happy.

Her eyes are sad and full of fear.

Mama, I'm cold at night alot.
I want food to keep me warm.
To cover me, you give me paper.
The hunger pangs won't let me sleep.

Where will we stay, Mama, in this camp?

Without home and land, can we survive?

I am so very hungry, Mama.

Can we really stay alive? 

I have hopes and I have dreams.

They seem so far away.

Like our food, dreams disappear.

I can only hope and pray.

Mama, I'm Hungry!



Извор: WUNRN - 17.09.2015




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