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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Граѓанска дебата за слободно општество и социјална правда - 16 февруари, 2016 година

На 16 февруари 2016 година во хотелот Холидеј Ин во Скопје на јавната дебата со наслов „Граѓанска дебата за слободно општество и социјална правда“ во рамки на вториот панел „Преку социјална правда до подобра живејачка“ говореше Јасминка Фришчиќ, извршна директорка на ЕСЕ. На овој панел зборуваа и Душко Груевски, Дона Костуранова, Петар Гошев, Абдулменаф Беџети, Борјан Ѓузелов и Бранимир Јовановиќ, а модератор беше Огнен Јанески. Дебатата беше организирана од коалицијата на граѓански организации „Граѓаните за Македонија“.  На првиот панел „Помеѓу идејата за слобода и заробена држава“ говореа: Мирјана Најчевска, Билјана Бејкова, Суад Мисини, Биљана Еверет го сподели говорот на Џабир Дерала, Љубиша Арсиќ и Миша Поповиќ, а модератор беше Марјан Забрчанец. Како резултат на јавната дебата беше подготвен Проглас ќе биде отворен за јавна поддршка од граѓанските организации, а потоа од име на организациите кои ќе дадат поддршка ќе биде испратен и до сите политички партии, медиуми и други фактори за коментар и/или поддршка.

Панел 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbCUNX5cn0I

Панел 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVrWGTW-5KU

Сите видеа




Slaves in the Free World - Film: Freedom Matters - Trafficking Exploitation of Girls & Women

A human rights issue, Human Trafficking involves child labour, begging, and a host of other social problems. Photo: Special Arrangement

By PANKAJA SRINIVASAN – February 19, 2016

“Human trafficking is the number of people on a square meter of a traffic signal.” A doctor’s response to a question on human trafficking reinforced 24-year-old Pankhuri Agarwal’s desire to tell people about this horrific issue. “Sure, there are statistics. Here are some popular ones. According to the International Labour Organisation, human trafficking generates $150 million a year in illegal profits, and there are around 36 million victims across the world.” Pankhuri obligingly provides the numbers and follows it up with “I do not believe in statistics as these represent only the tip of the iceberg but they do help in communicating the enormity of the situation.”

Pankhuri — now studying for her Masters in Development Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, as a Felix Scholar — has just released a documentary called Freedom Matters to spread awareness about human trafficking. Along with production house The Storygraphers, she made a short film that tries to answer questions about human trafficking, why we should be bothered and how we may actually be perpetuating it. And what we can do — irrespective of our educational or professional background — to stop it.


Social Protection & Human Rights - Principles, Laws, Resources - Social Protection Programmes Must Be GENDER SENSITIVE

Key aspects of implementing the right to social security include:

  • Viewing the right to social security as interdependent, indivisible and interrelated with all other human rights;

  • States’ obligation to implement a sustainable social security system through a legislative framework that provides benefits for the nine principle branches of social security namely: health care, sickness, old age, unemployment, employment injury, family and child support, maternity, disability, survivors and orphans;

  • States’ obligation to provide benefits that are adequate in amount and duration; and

  • States’ to ensure the financial and physical access of benefits to all persons, with special attention to vulnerable or marginalized groups.



Exposing the International Commercial Surrogacy Business - The Pimping of Pregnancy

By Julie Bindel - London - 08 Feb. 2016

Birthing a Market, A Study on Commercial Surrogacy (2012) estimates that there are currently 3000 clinics in India offering surrogacy services. Surrogacy is a 2.3 billion dollar industry annually. Around 10,000 foreign couples visit India for reproductive services each year.

Dr Nayna Patel, a frontrunner of the Indian surrogacy movement, heads the Akanksha Infertility Clinic in Gujarat, where more than 600 surrogate babies have been born. Not only does Patel see the industry growing, she is gearing up for it and is building what is being dubbed as the world's first multi-million dollar 'baby factory' in Anand, Gujarat, which will be a one-stop-destination for surrogacy. Patel predicts a 12 percent growth in the sector per year.

Whilst the rich Westerners buying surrogacy services often see the 'service' as a human right, many would argue that using poor, brown women as incubators is racist, colonialist, and akin to prostitution.


5 Lesser Known Facts about Women's Reproductive Cancers

1. Reproductive Cancers Are The Most Common Cancers Among Women In Many Regions

4 February 2016 - Reproductive cancers are the one of the most common cancers among women1000. In Asia-Pacific, reproductive cancers are the most common cancer types prevalent among female population, accounting for 18% of all cancers. According to a 2012 study, close to a quarter (24%) of all breast cancers globally were diagnosed within the Asia-Pacific region (corresponding to a rate of 30 cases per 100,000) with the greatest number of those occurring in China (46%), Japan (14%), and Indonesia (12%).[1] In U.S., breast cancer, besides skin cancer, is the most common cancer found in women[2]. Breast cancer has become the most common cancers among women in Sub-Saharan Africa. [3]

2. Reproductive Cancers Are The Most Common Cause Of Cancer-related Deaths Among Women

Reproductive cancers are the 4th most common cause of cancer-related deaths among women in Asia-Pacific and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women in countries including Fiji, the Solomon Islands (both 27% of all cancer-related deaths), Malaysia (25%), the Philippines (23%), Indonesia (22%) and India (70%).[4] [5] It is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in Africa.[6]




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