Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Смртта на родилката од Прилеп обелодени крупни проблеми во здравството

Уште нема информации од што почина родилката во прилепската болница. Дoдека се истражува трагедијата, на виделина излегоа проблемите во здравството. Во 45 од 80 општини нема матичен гинеколог. Во дополнителни 24 има недостиг на овој кадар. Освен ова, двојно повеќе имаме смртност на родилки и новороденчиња во споредба со ЕУ. 

Здравствената заштита на жените се влошува. Според податоците, во повеќе од половина општини во државава нема матичен гинеколог. Дополнително, во третина од општините има недостаток на овие лекари.

„Во Македонија има 134 матични гинеколози, за да се исполни криетериумот од еден матичен гиниколог на 3.000 жени потребно е да има уште 150 матични гинеколози, значи во Македонија има недостиг од 150 матични гинеколози. Во 45 општини во Македонија нема ниту еден матичен гинеколог, а во 24 општини има недостиг на гинеколози“, вели Борјан Павловски- здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаковост на жените.


Search, use, share and broaden horizons with e-Roma Resource

Dear Sir or Madam,

at the end of November 2015, we were exchanging experiences and made plans for further cooperation on the field of Roma inclusion. We are sending you link to the publication of scientific papers, that were presented at the international conference Broaden Horizons – Networks and Experiences for Successful Roma Inclusion. The publication is a result of feedback of the conference participants, who felt that the wealth of contributions is worth preserving, while connecting and networking are to be encouraged in particular. This was pointed out by the participants of the conference in their statements, which were collected in a video.

We collected descriptions of most of the presented practices and organized them by fields: EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENT, ROLE OF THE WIDER COMMUNITY, CULTURE AND HEALTH.
In order to facilitate the readers in exchanging experience below, all presentations which are available on the project platform www.eromaresource.com in section Expanding Horizons – Networks and Experiences for Successful Roma Inclusion have been translated into English and Slovenian.


2015 Global Hunger Index - Armed Conflict & The Challenge of Hunger - Children, Women

2015 Global Hunger Index: Armed Conflict & The Challenge of Hunger - Gender

Hunger is a multidimensional problem, and a variety of terms are used to describe its different aspects. To reflect the multidimensional nature of hunger, the Global Hunger Index combines the following four component indicators into one index:

1. UNDERNOURISHMENT: the proportion of undernourished people as a percentage of the population (reflecting the share of the population with insufficient caloric intake);

2. CHILD WASTING: the proportion of children under the age of five who suffer from wasting (that is, low weight for their height, reflecting acute undernutrition);

3. CHILD STUNTING: the proportion of children under the age of five who suffer from stunting (that is, low height for their age, reflecting chronic undernutrition); and

4. CHILD MORTALITY: the mortality rate of children under the age of five (partially reflecting the fatal synergy of inadequate nutrition and unhealthy environments).2


Accelerating Investments in Women through Certification - W+ Standard

This white paper makes the case for a new and innovative option for a certification system that channels measureable and verifiable benefits directly to women and women’s organizations. The W+ Standard (W+) is designed to incentivize investments in women’s empowerment through a system that both measures results and puts money into the hands of women, which in addition to the benefits for women themselves, is likely to have transformative impacts on gender inequality, the economy, poverty, climate change, and food security, among other impacts. The W+ Standard is a set of project design and implementation requirements that provides contributors the opportunity to accelerate progress for women and gender equality. 


Direct Link to Full 10-Page Document: http://www.wunrn.org/pdf/white.pdf




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