Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








More investment needed in developing female-controlled HIV prevention options – UN agency

Malawi teen, Martha, was born with HIV. Now a mother herself, she has defied the odds and her son, Rahim Idriss, is part of Malawis AIDS-free generation. In this picture, she awaits the results of Rahmins HIV test. After two months of waiting, she finds out the Rahmin, now 8-months old, is HIV negative. Photo: UNICEF/HIVA201500101/Schermbrucker

23 February 2016 – The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) today welcomed the “encouraging” results of two studies from Africa in which women modestly reduced their risk of infection by inserting a vaginal ring coated with the antiretroviral drug dapivirine once a month.

According to these two clinical trials, a vaginal ring, inspired by those used for contraception or hormone treatments, reduce by 30 per cent on average the risk of HIV infection in women. It contains the experimental antiviral dapivirine, a microbicide that gradually diffuses.


Age Demands Action Campaign Manual - Older Women

We believe that older people are the best advocates for change on the issues that affect their lives.

This campaign training manual aims to strengthen older people’s knowledge, skills and confidence to grow as campaigners and change their communities and societies for the better.

Introduction & appendices

Find out how to use the ADA campaign training manual and its various units.


EU Study - Forced Marriage from a Gender Perspective - FEMM Women's Rights Committee


This study provides an overview of the practice of forced marriage in the EU from a gender equality and women’s rights perspective. It analyses the definitions of forced marriage and puts forward a definition from a gender perspective. It also provides an overview of the relevant international/EU legislation, policies and deliberations, as well as national policies, civil law and criminal law (in the 12 Member State that criminalise forced marriage). For those Member States that criminalise forced marriage, the study provides an assessment of the effectiveness and possible consequences of the implementation of the criminal legislation, including an analysis of data and case-law. The study includes a specific chapter focusing on forced marriage within Roma communities and five case-studies specifically focusing on Denmark, Germany, Spain, Slovakia and the UK. The study also puts forward recommendations for improving the response to forced marriage at EU and Member State level.

Direct Link to Full 241-Page 2016 Report:



Access to Nutrition Index 2016 - Global Index Report

“One in three people in the world today is under-nourished or overweight. Obesity and diet-related chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain cancers are global pandemics, affecting countries of all income levels. At the same time, undernutrition continues to affect billions of people globally – increasingly in the form of hidden hunger when people may have enough food but lack access to sufficient micronutrients. Given their global  each, food and beverage companies have a powerful role to play alongside governments, international organizations and civil society in helping to tackle this crisis and its grave human and economic consequences. This is a social responsibility but it’s also in the companies’ interests as consumers worldwide are increasingly demanding healthier foods.”

Direct Link to Full 230-Page 2016 Report:





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