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Textbooks Worldwide Show Gender Stereotypes - Report

‘Bias in textbooks remains pervasive’ ... Chinese schoolchildren studying. Photograph: Alamy

UNESCO study of teaching materials in countries around the globe has found overwhelmingly strong gender bias.

By Alison Flood

8 March 2016 - In a Turkish textbook, a girl is pictured dreaming of her wedding day, while a boy imagines becoming a doctor. In a Tunisian one, students are asked to complete sentences about Mr Thompson, who is in the garage washing his car, and Mrs Thompson, in the kitchen preparing lunch (“she [likes] cooking very much,” they discover).

A new report from UNESCO says that gender bias is rife in textbooks around the world, and is undermining girls’motivation and achievement in schools.

The report cites studies of textbooks around the world, including Chinese textbooks for primary-age children, finding that “males were disproportionately represented” in the material. In Chinese social studies texts, it said that “all scientists and soldiers were depicted as male while all teachers and three quarters of service personnel were female”, while in a 12-volume set of elementary Chinese textbooks women only accounted for around 20% of the historical characters, “and appeared dull and lifeless in comparison with the more vibrant males”.


USA - Landmark Supreme Court Decision Strikes Down Texas State Abortion Restrictions

By ADAM LIPTAK - JUNE 27, 2016

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday reaffirmed and strengthened constitutional protections for abortion rights, striking down parts of a restrictive Texas law that could have drastically reduced the number of abortion clinics in the state, leaving them only in the largest metropolitan areas.

The 5-to-3 decision was the court’s most sweeping statement on abortion since Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992, which reaffirmed the constitutional right to abortion established in 1973 in Roe v. Wade. It found that Texas’ restrictions — requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and clinics to meet the standards of ambulatory surgical centers — violated Casey’s prohibition on placing an “undue burden” on the ability to obtain an abortion.

If Casey limited the right established in Roe, allowing states to regulate abortion in ways Roe had barred, Monday’s decision effectively expanded that right. It means that similar requirements in other states are most likely also unconstitutional, and it imperils many other kinds of restrictions on abortion. It is also sure to energize anti-abortion forces and make abortion a central issue in the presidential campaign.


USA - 2016 Nonprofit Employment Practices Survey Report

The 2016 Nonprofit Employment Practices Survey™ is intended to provide a snapshot of current employment practices and discuss the economic trends and

implications of employment practices in the nonprofit sector. This report, which has been produced annually by Nonprofit HR since 2007, includes responses

from 443 nonprofits in the U.S. and Canada that serve as a representative sample of the makeup of the sector.

Direct Link to Full 34-Page 2016 Report


Извор: WUNRN – 28.06.2016

Ромите избришани од буџетот на Министерството за здравство

Ромите се целосно избришани од Програмите за здравствена заштита на мајките и деца на Министерството за здравство за 2016 година. И покрај високата смртност на доенчиња кај ромската популација која е за 25 проценти поголема од утврдениот просек. Министерството за здравство веќе не дава пари за оваа категорија граѓани, тврдат во невладината ЕСЕ.

Од таму тврдат дека парите предвидени за ромските деца и маргинализираните групи кои постојано се кратат се пренаменуваат за капитални инвестиции, за реконструкција и реновирање на болници.

„Активностите за Ромите од Програмата за мајки деца се целосно избришани од буџетот на Министерството за здравство. Превентивните програми се постојано предмет на измени и кратење. Ново намалување од 10 милиони денари е предвидено во Програмата за имунизација и два милиона денари за систематски прегледи на учениците, велат невладините организации.




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