Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Stop Taxing Tampons Campaign


Around the world, millions are being taxed for the 'luxury' of dealing with menstruation in the only socially acceptable way possible: by using sanitary products. We shouldn't be monitarily penalised simply for having our periods and governments across the globe shouldn't be so freely able to capitalise from sexism, especially when other more menial items often escape tax altogether (such as the maintaince of private jets or edible sugar flowers in the UK). Tampon tax needs to end. Period.

https://www.change.org/p/un-women-phumzile-mlambo-ngcuka-executive-director-of-un-women-committee-on-the-elimination-of-discrimination-against-women-zeid-ra-ad-al-hussein-high-commissioner-for-human-rights-stop-tampon-tax – Includes Petition Sign-On



Gender, Agriculture & Water Insecurity

Rural female farmers are becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate variability and water insecurity

Direct Link to Full 48-Page 2016 Document:


By Helen Parker; Nathaniel MasonNaomi OatesRoger Calow; William Chadza & Eva Ludi – March 2016

El Niño has already had devastating impacts on countries in Africa that primarily rely on agriculture. Drought, loss of livestock and failed harvests push poor households into food stress and result in children being removed from school or families migrating. 

Policy and programme implementation for water insecurity must consider social norms around gender and other drivers of inequality. Too often, policies and programmes on agricultural water management are gender blind and don't consider women's unique needs and experiences.


Women Working Long Hours at Risk of Illness

19 June 2016 - Women who work for long hours may have an increased risk of developing life-threatening illnesses, including heart disease and cancer, a new study has warned. 

Work weeks that averaged 60 hours or more over three decades appear to triple the risk of diabetes, cancer, heart trouble and arthritis for women, researchers said. 

The risk begins to climb when women put in more than 40 hours and takes a decidedly bad turn above 50 hours, they said. 

"Women - especially women who have to juggle multiple roles - feel the effects of intensive work experiences and that can set the table for a variety of illnesses and disability," said Allard Dembe from Ohio State University in the US.


Core Humanitarian Standard for Quality, Effectiveness, & Accountability of Work for Humanitarian Crises

The Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) sets out Nine Commitments that organisations and individuals involved in humanitarian response can use to improve the quality and effectiveness of the assistance they provide. It also facilitates greater accountability to communities and people affected by crisis: knowing what humanitarian organisations have committed to will enable them to hold those organisations to account…….



Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance for Quality & Accountability of Work for Humanitarian Crises

Dubbed ‘the future of humanitarian accountability’, a new standard allows crisis-affected communities to hold the NGO’s helping them to account.

By Katherine Purvis – 11 June 2015




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

Здравствен информативен центар