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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








State of the World's Children 2016 Report - Risks for Children to Have a FAIR CHANCE in Now a More Divided & Unfair World - GIRLS

The lives and futures of millions of children are in jeopardy. We have a choice: Invest in the most excluded children now or risk a more divided and unfair world. Every child has the right to a fair chance in life. But around the world, millions of children are trapped in an intergenerational cycle of disadvantage that endangers their futures – and the future of their societies.


Direct Link to Full 184-Page 2016 UNICEF Report

The report argues that progress for the most disadvantaged children is the defining condition for delivering on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.


The Right to Food & Nutrition - Beyond Food Security, Towards Food Sovereignty

The role of women is often overlooked: much of hunger and malnutrition happen because women continue to be treated as second-class citizens in most of the world. Can we ensure the right to food and nutrition for all without the full realization of women’s rights? 

The right to food and nutrition has evolved and continues to do so since it was included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yet, it has not evolved enough to prevent 795 million people from facing hunger and to tackle the two billion cases of malnourishment due to imbalanced diets — another form of hunger, mostly affecting children and women of reproductive age.

Direct Link to Full 2-Page 2016 Publication


How Economic Tallies Leave Women Behind

© Michael Martin/laif/Redux

If you don’t get paid, the work doesn’t matter. 

That’s the message countries send when they don’t include unpaid activities—many of them done by women—in their economic surveys. 

But nothing could be further from the truth. Running a household, collecting goods, performing tasks like sewing and weaving, and caring for family members—this is the work that holds societies together. 

Learn more about why failing to count this unpaid labor misrepresents a country’s economic output—and diminishes work that mostly falls to women to provide. 

Извор: Фондации Отворено Општество – 05.07.2016


Gender Equality Requires More Tax Revenue & Gender-Sensitive Distribution of Tax Funds

By Diane Elson, Chair of the UK Women’s Budget Group and Emeritus Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Essex.

May 15, 2015 - A government’s capacity to reduce gender inequality is determined in large part by the amount of revenue it raises in tax, and how tax payments are distributed. A high level of tax revenue, if raised progressively and spent wisely, enables governments to fund the services, social security and infrastructure that make it easier for women to undertake paid work and to provide jobs for women in the public sector that are often of better quality than those in the private sector.

Analysis by parliamentary researchers released in Autumn 2014 shows that £22bn of the £26bn ‘savings’ that the UK government has made since June 2010 through cuts to spending on social security and changes to direct taxes have come from women – 85% of the total, with only 15% coming from men.


Feminist Propositions for a Just Economy: Time for Creative Imaginations - AWID

by Ana Ines Abelenda

What if the value of goods and services was determined by communities that depend on them and not by profit logic and companies? What if human relationship, generation of goodwill, and attention to  nurturing the whole society, and not just one’s immediate self, were the norm?"

We believe that the economy, the market, the financial system and the premises upon which they are built are critical areas of feminist struggle. Thus, our vision for a just economy goes beyond promoting women’s rights and empowerment in the market, to evaluating the role of gendered oppressions in shaping economic arrangements and transforming these to ensure gender and economic justice.




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