Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Critical Dialogue on Engaging Men in Gender Justice


The recognition of the power and privileges granted to certain groups under patriarchy is essential to the pursuit of accountability and meaningful partnerships. Many contributors reminded us that privilege and injustice are often invisible to the dominant group in society, and that most men are unaware how they are both privileged and harmed by the patriarchal system. For this reason, acknowledging power and  privilege is a crucial component in interventions with men and boys. It is also an essential exercise for all those working in the field of gender justice; in particular, those granted certain privileges based on gender, class, ethnicity or other factors.

Direct Link to Full 28-Page 2016 Publication



Challenges & Opportunities For Better & Disaggregated Data Across All Ages & By Gender

Lilian, 58, a widow from Thika in Kenya, is excluded from statistics on HIV because surveys do not collect information for people over the age of 49. Yet she looks after her 89-year-old mother, three orphaned grandchildren and two boys who were abandoned by their parents. Photo by: Phil Moore / Age International

Editor’s note: This op-ed was written by Alex Mihnovits on behalf of Age International, Plan International, Christian Aid and HelpAge International.

28 June 2016 - The population under 15 years old and over 60 years old represent 3.5 billion people globally — or nearly half the world’s population. But most of the very young and old are excluded from statistics because they are left out of data collection. And even where data is collected, it is often not fully analyzed, reported on or utilized.

Fulfilling the promise of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development to leave no one behind represents a challenge. But we are hopeful that much can be done with the proper commitment, tools and resources from national governments, multilateral and civil societies organizations, and other stakeholders.


Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women & Children Report to the UN 2016 - Trafficking Related to Situations of Conflict

Website of the UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women & Children


Link to Access Full 22-Page 2016 Report of the Special Rapporteur on Trafficking:


Извор: WUNRN - 16.07.2016


Pathways of Women's Empowerment: Stories of Influence

One of the key issues raised by the Pathways Programme’s research is that facilitating positive change in women’s lives is not possible without changing the underlying structures of constraint. These include not only cultural and social norms which validate the unjust and unequal treatment of women – norms visible and represented through mechanisms such as restrictive laws, unequal pay and conditions, stereotypical representations of women in the media + but also include limits to the horizons of possibility or sense of entitlement that are internalized by women themselves.

Direct Link to Full 20-Page 2015 Publication


EU – Child Poverty in the European Union - Major Factors Affecting Increase to 1 in 4 at Risk +

More than one in four children in the European Union (EU) is at risk of poverty or social exclusion. The poverty rate for children is higher than that for any other age group, though it varies widely across Member States. Furthermore, between 2008 and 2014, Europe has witnessed a rise in the number of severely deprived children.

The five main factors affecting child poverty are: the composition of the household in which a child lives, the parents' labour market situation, the mother’s own working status, the parents' educational level and their country of birth. Alongside these factors, two drivers have played a growing part in the rise of child poverty in the EU since the onset of the 'Great Recession': a cyclical one – the economic crisis – and a structural one – the phenomenon of inherited poverty.




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