Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Critical Dialogue on Engaging Men in Gender Justice


The recognition of the power and privileges granted to certain groups under patriarchy is essential to the pursuit of accountability and meaningful partnerships. Many contributors reminded us that privilege and injustice are often invisible to the dominant group in society, and that most men are unaware how they are both privileged and harmed by the patriarchal system. For this reason, acknowledging power and  privilege is a crucial component in interventions with men and boys. It is also an essential exercise for all those working in the field of gender justice; in particular, those granted certain privileges based on gender, class, ethnicity or other factors.

Direct Link to Full 28-Page 2016 Publication


Many contributors described having struggled with the question of how to use their privileged

position in a positive way to challenge the unequal/unjust system, and how to avoid replicating

patriarchal power structures in their work. While there was no clear-cut answer to this question,

constant reflection on power and privilege was identified as an important element that has

brought added value to contributors’ personal and professional lives.

Извор: WUNRN - 18.07.2016




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