Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Ракот на дојка може да убие 3.5 милиони жени во 2030 година

Ракот на дојка може да убие 5,5 милиони жени секоја година во светот во 2030 година. Тоа претставува зголемување од 60 отсто во однос на 2012 година. Причината е стареењето на популацијата, информира еден извештај на Американското здружение за канцер објавено неделава на Светскиот конгрес за канцер кој одржува состанок во Париз.

Во еден друг извештај, на медицинската ревија “The Lancet”, специјалистите предупредуваат дека во 2030 година бројот на жените со дијагностициран рак на дојка ќе се дуплира и ќе изнесува 3.2 милиони годишно. Во последните години таа бројка беше 1,7 милиони.


Gender Dimensions of Protecting Journalism Sources in the Digital Age - Women Journalists & Their Women Info Sources

The investigation responds in part to acknowledgement in both the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council of “the particular vulnerability of journalists to becoming targets of unlawful or arbitrary surveillance or interception of communications in violation of their rights to privacy and to freedom of expression”.




Women, Peace & Security Scorecard - Implementation of the Women, Peace & Security Agenda by UN Security Council Permanent Members


UN Security Council Permanent Members have a unique responsibility to implement the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda. However, the Permanent Five -- United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China -- are also some of the top contributors to the global arms trade. These arms directly contribute to sexual, gender based, and other forms of violence.

WILPF’s newly expanded Security Council Scorecard aims to strengthen accountability for holistic implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda by addressing ongoing gaps between commitments and accomplishments, especially around conflict prevention and disarmament.


International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists - Women Journalists

International Women’s Media Foundation Emergency Fund for Journalists in Distress - https://www.iwmf.org/programs/emergency-fund/


International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists: Break Cycle of Impunity - OSCE

VIENNA, 2 November 2016 – On the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Committed against Journalists the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, called on OSCE participating States to step up their investigations and identify and prosecute those who commit crimes against journalists. “Authorities throughout the OSCE region are failing to take action to reduce the high number of attacks against journalists, and they are failing to confront the issue of impunity,” Mijatović said.


EU - Promoting Gender Equality in Academia & Research Institutions: Main Findings

Over the last 15 years, continuous and cumulative steps have been made to advance gender equality in research and higher education institutions in the European Union. Despite these efforts, and although progress can be noticed, there is still work to be done because literature and statistics provide evidence that: research and higher education institutions are gendered settings; unconscious or implicit biases impede an objective and fair judgement when recruiting or assessing people; there is a tendency to associate science with men; female researchers are generally underrepresented (with even lower percentages in typical male-dominated fields and in leadership and senior positions); and much research is gender-blind or genderbiased.




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