Здружение ЕСЕ


   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Adolescent Boys & Young Men: Engaging Them as Supporters of Gender Equality & Health, & Understanding Their Vulnerabilities

“Far too many boys approach adolescence having experienced violence, witnessed violence, dropped out of school, had risky sex, or practiced other risk-taking behaviors because they believe that they must do so to be seen by their peers and their communities as “real men.” This has real and long-lasting impacts on the lives of women and girls and inhibits the creation of respectful and equal relationships.”

This technical paper, based on global research, seeks to create a better understanding of the realities of adolescent boys and young men. It explores the specific risks and realities in relation to health in general, violence, sexuality and sexual and reproductive health (SRH), media violence, sexual exploitation, education, and other specific vulnerabilities. It then analyses the implications of these risks and realities not only for boys, but also on the lives of women and girls. The study emphasizes that a holistic approach to advancing gender equality and SRH must include both adolescent girls and boys. It highlights the need to engage adolescent boys and young men as allies to achieve gender equality and as supporters of women’s empowerment, as well as the importance of addressing the specific health and social development needs of boys themselves. It makes the point that “the process of questioning and overcoming rigid, inequitable, and violent norms that limit the lives of women and girls is also positive for adolescent boys, whose lives and health improve when such norms are challenged.”


Gender & Climate Change: A Closer Look at Existing Evidence

Perceiving a gap in the resources available to individuals and organizations concerned about the gendered experiences of climate change, GGCA (Global Gender & Climate Alliance) commissioned this literature review in early 2016 in order to provide the most up-to-date assessment of the current evidence base illustrating how vulnerability to climate change and climate adaptation decisions vary by gender.

Direct Link to Full 27-Page 2016 Publication:



Land & Gender


To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and promote gender-equitable land tenure, discriminatory laws, institutions, and customary practices need to be addressed.

From large land acquisitions that displace communities without due compensation, to the encroachment of mining on indigenous lands, to the brunt of climate change and natural disasters, to everyday land and property deprivation by kin or state, women are typically more harshly impacted by land tenure insecurity due to discriminatory laws and lingering social bias.

For millions of rural women their nexus to the land – their lifeline, home, livelihood, and social security – often teeters on the strength of their relationship to their father, husband, brother or son. In many contexts, they lack direct, unmediated rights to the land. They face layers of discrimination in both the law and in practice, fueled by their gender, race, ethnicity, affiliation, orientation, age, or social status.


From Disparity to Dignity - Tackling Economic Inequality through the Sustainable Development Goals - Gender


UN Women - Women bear a disproportionate burden of the world’s poverty. According to some estimates, women represent 70 percent of the world’s poor. Statistics indicate that women are more likely than men to be poor and at risk of hunger because of the systematic discrimination they face in education, health care, employment and control of assets. Poverty implications are widespread for women, leaving many without even basic rights such as access to clean drinking water, sanitation, medical care and decent employment. Being poor can also mean they have little protection from violence and have no role in decision making.


Direct Link to Full 60-Page Policy Brief: http://cesr.org/downloads/disparity_to_dignity_SDG10.pdf




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