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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








Factors & Norms Influencing Unpaid Care Work - Household Survey Research

In order to address ‘heavy’ and ‘unequal’ care work and to raise the profile of care as a cross-cutting development issue, Oxfam and its partners implemented a baseline Household Care Survey (HCS) in five countries in which the WE-Care project was active. In November/December 2015, a revised version of the HCS was carried out in these same communities. As a follow-up survey, the 2015 HCS monitored change and impact from the project's interventions and gathered evidence on ‘what works’ to address care work in specific contexts.


Gender & Climate Change - Analysis of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions + Gender Climate Tracker App

The objective of this analysis is to evaluate the extent to which submitted INDC’s (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions) address women’s human rights and the linkages between climate change and gender more broadly. The importance of explicitly addressing these linkages in national and international climate change policy-making is well-documented.2 In short, comprehensively addressing the intersection of gender and climate change is essential for both advancing the fulfilment of women’s human rights and gender equality, and effectively addressing the multiple challenges that climate change poses. The overall conclusion of this analysis is that the submitted INDCs fall far short of the necessary commitments.

Direct Link to Full 119-Page WEDO 2016 Report:



Where Women Are Economically Empowered, There Are Fewer Disaster Victims

October 12, 2016 - Among the bad news related to the ill effects of climate change is that women are impacted disproportionately by the resulting disasters. Women are more likely to experience poverty, poorer health outcomes and increased vulnerability to sexual violence due to climate-related disaster events, such as floods, storms and drought.

New research that aims to quantitatively assess the drivers of suffering from disasters across less developed nations—with specific emphasis on gender relations—affirms this fact, but also reveals some good news: women who are economically empowered have a disproportionately positive impact on disaster outcomes—reducing the overall number of people affected.

Kelly F. Austin of Lehigh University and Laura A. McKinney of Tulane University looked at data from 85 less developed nations for their study, the results of which have been published in an article in Social Forces titled Disaster Devastation in Poor Nations: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Gender Equality, Ecological Losses, and Development. They found that advancing the economic status of women reduces the proportion of people affected by disasters directly, as economically empowered women are able to better prepare for and respond to disasters and indirectly, as they enhance health resources in the community that help reduce harm and prevent deaths.


Women & Depression

Depression is not "one size fits all," particularly when it comes to the genders. Not only are women more prone to depression than men, but the causes of female depression and even the pattern of symptoms are often different. Many factors contribute to the unique picture of depression in women—from reproductive hormones to social pressures to the female response to stress. Learning about these factors can help you minimize your risk of depression and treat it more effectively.



Handouts on Depression

The handouts available from this page provide general information on the characteristics of depression and how depression can be prevented and treated. They are intended for people who are living with depression themselves or who know someone who is. They include practical advice on what to do.




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